Couples in Love (FLIES)
Selamat Malam Salam Sejahtera Untuk Semuanya
Hari ini saya ingin membuat tulisan tentang jenis binatang/hewan yang banyak kita jumpai dimanapun kita berada khususnya indonesia, bisa dibilang ini adalah jenis binatang yang terlihat kecil tapi sangat imuet-imuet
Today I want to make a writing about the types of animals / animals that many we encounter wherever we are especially Indonesia, arguably this is a kind of animal that looks small but very cute

Iya namanya LALAT (Kami Menyebutnya), sedang bercinta dengan pasangannya untuk mendapatkan keturunan yang banyak, sama halnya dengan binatang/hewan jenis lainnya yang memiliki hal yang indah dikala bersama pasangan mereka
Yeah his name is FLIES (We Called it), is making love with his partner to get many breeds, as well as other animals that have beautiful things dikala with their partner
Gambar ini diambil di salah satu tempat dikawasan kami, semoga menyenangkan dengan tulisan dan gambar yang saya bagikan
This image is taken in one of the places in our region, I hope it's fun with the posts and pictures I share
After that where love goes ?
This is not the love the only thing which makes humans animals .
I am happy with your question, animals are still animals, I do not make comparisons (animals) with humans.
I am not comparing humans with animals , my opinion is that at this stage humans nature diverted to animal because of this so called modernization getting us away from our religion . The point I want to raise up . Regards