Nettle is toxic and deadly
Leaf Nettle which is a kind of plant that leaves hairy that can cause itching on the skin if touch. This plant is broad-leaved.

In the area of Payabakong, Aceh Utara, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) this plant is distinguished by its shape and the itching impression it causes. For a small leaf, about 5 cm wide, called "Chicken Nettle". "Stubble deer", the leaves are wider and Nettle elephant, the leaves are the widest and thickest. Its width can reach 30 cm. This type of nettle, can cause continued itching up to a week later. All types of common nettle grow in areas of high humidity.
From the appearance of this poisonous plant is not 'malign' makes this plant almost ignored its existence. But the consequences can be fatal. Itching, burning, and heat up to the bone with a span of a week or more. that is when one does not have sufficient knowledge of these venomous plants.
These toxic herbs are common in mountain areas or mountains because they like the moist area. Because there is no interference from humans who cut or cut it, then Jelatang Elephant trunk upright or creeping it was living merimbun with peace. Because of the toxicity and treatment of different plant species, the need for an understanding of these plants is very useful, especially for forest explorers. Therefore activists from more experienced explorers as well as locals are indispensable in handling this plant poisoning .
Nettle itself according to dictionary means is a plant whose leaves can cause itching, sore, also hot on the skin when touched. So including toxic plants. Leaves and stems Nettle does have fine hairs that release chemicals when in contact with the skin, causing irritation. The larger the size of the leaves and livestock, the effect of the toxin they cause is also stronger.
Why is Nettle Poisonous? The main reason is as a means of self-defense so as not to become extinct. The poisonous fur that it possesses is a weapon to defend itself from plant-eating animals. However, some animals such as caterpillar butter-kupusangat nyummi with leaves.
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