Greetings, steemit friends, how are you doing, hopefully they will always be protected. well this time I will tell a little about the joy and excitement of the children of his time. not denying the joy and excitement of a child can be said to be something that really can make us laugh or sad. when children play with close friends, they may forget their time and energy. children play without thinking whatever the pliers on his mind at that moment are just incomparable joy.

the joy of playing children is very important in his life. we as parents must always be able to keep our children playing time and be able to keep playing time. our role as parents in children is very much needed by us as parents must be able to divide the time to play and learn children. because if a child is too quiet and always moody and often separated from his friend, it could be that our child is mentally disturbed.

I hope that what our children aspire to be achieved and can benefit the Religion of the Nation and the Country later. Amen