So, have you been getting the supercold temperatures that they apparently have been getting in the Chicago area? Flash frostbite temperatures? I mean if the ducks are able to be out in it, things must be relatively warmer than that, right? I certainly hope so. I'd hate to think anyone would have to endure such weather for any length of time.
We've been having unseasonably drier weather, and with it, warmer than normal. It's been bouncing between the 40s and 50s with mostly sunny skies. So, I know we were supposed to have a somewhat less severe winter this year, but so far, we've been getting closer to late Autumn or early Spring weather, sans the rain. Not that I'm complaining. I'm just waiting for it all to build up to the point where it's raining in apocalyptic proportions. :)
We do have snow in the forecast, for next Monday and then the following Saturday, but I'll believe it when I see it. It's far enough out still that things can change, and really, we end up with traces up to a couple of inches for the most part. One year we got around a foot in one storm. That's the exception, though, and it pretty much melts off within the next day or so.
My son lives and works in Chicago and they closed his office for two days. The city was pretty much shut down. I'm a hundred miles further north and it was even colder here. Schools have been closed all week we haven't had mail delivery for the past 2 days. It has just been ridiculously cold. But it is all coming to an end! Check out my hot water challenge post about what happens when you throw a cup full of hot water up into the air when the temperature is -27 degrees below zero! Now the forecast is for it to warm back up and start snowing again.
It's amazing how it has to "warm up" to snow. :)
Okay, so it's been worse up there. So this because of something happening off the Great Lakes, or is it coming down from Canada/Arctic Circle?
Heading over to see the hot water vaporize. :)
It was a cold front/polar Vortex dipping down from the Arctic. It really is hard to believe it can get so cold that your nose freezes shut with just one breath of outside air.