Pokemon Go: New Pokemon Appraisal System

As the Pokemon Go mobile game continues to have a very active community, Niantic continues to not only release content but also so improvements to elements that have long been requested by hardcore players. One little known feature of the game in general is that Pokemons have ratings on their performance on key battle features: HP, defense, and attack. The summary of these ratings has normally had a percentage which many called IV which could be 0% and the best being 100% or perfect.
This was a way to measure how effective the Pokemon could be we battling gyms, raid bosses, and other players in PvP battles. This has become increasingly important given the growth that the competitive community has had since PvP battles launched earlier this year.
However, the game has never had a great system to demonstrate these figures. Instead, they would have an appraisal that would give the player a potential range of how good the Pokemon were by saying phrases according to their rating. This was very confusing as each team had different phrases to interpret these ratings and unless a player used them often, it would always be hard to tell how bad or good a Pokemon was. In fact, many third party applications or websites started to provide solutions to help players appraise their Pokemon.
Niantic has now updated the game with a feature that replaces the phrases and now gives a chart with a line plot for each skill for the Pokemon appraised. In addition, it now provides stars to summarize the rating of the Pokemon which can go from zero (bad) to three stars (good). If a Pokemon has the highest level rating in any category, it would show a red line instead of orange. It is now much easier to appraise Pokemon thanks to these changes! I have had fun looking through my Collection much quicker than the prior way and has resulted it added space as well.