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RE: The Coldest Morning

in #esteem6 years ago

The mist coming off that spring is pretty. The poor ducks, though! They'd better stay in the water or their legs will become popsickles! That frost in the window is pretty, too,but the cold was just nasty. You could probably have a lot of fun with a good macro lens where the mist is freezing. What was the coldest it got out your way?

I had to go into work this morning at -28ºF and, driving in, all the manhole covers and curb drains were billowing steam. I wish I had brought my camera and had time for a few photos.


We were about the same as you. I think I saw - 27 on my phone just before dawn. .You had classes? Everything here was shut down, even mail delivery!

I have a good macro lens, but quit using that camera when I got this wifi compatible Powershot. I recently bought a WiFi SD card for the Lumix but have not been able to figure out how to format it so that it works with the app. I think I need one of my grandkids.

I see there's a new full frame Lumix they just released... Very spendy, though! Good luck with the card. Let me know how it works, too. I still use CF cards, because my camera is about ten years old. Maybe there's a WiFi card that would work with it.

I just don't get what I'm doing wrong but it will probably end up being something simple. I use a Chromebook these days and it's really inconvenient to get out my old laptop just for photos. It would be so nice if I could just download them directly into an app. My Lumix is probably 5 years old by now. It's a sweet camera and I feel bad about not using it.