The Dark Empty Room
Alone in this dark empty room,
It was one of those nights.
I had three visitors.
Frankly, I had expected them.
Though not as quick as they showed up.

First was 'Depression',
He showered me unhappiness and it felt good.
He picked up my esteem and ripped it shreds,
He led me into the path of darkness;
And I was ready for what was to come.

Up next was 'Pain',
He was pissed and had fire in his eyes.
Fear was nothing compared to the surge in me.
A look in his eyes and I was distressed,
His smile offered nothing but bodily suffering.
He had scars;
And told me they were the reasons for which he lived.

Last one in queue was 'Hate'.
Damn! she looked beautiful.
Charming and soothing with her words,
She showered me with intense affections and attraction.
Though, she forewent love which has eluded me too much.
She made me abhor and loathe myself for everything.
Everything I did and didn't do, every chance I had… wasted.

Now they want to leave,
After their comforts and gnashing relief to my soul,
I can't just let them leave.
They were all I had,
They were the reason I remained sane.
The reason I'm human,
The reason I'm 'ME'.
They were,
They still are.
alone in the dark room
What an epic write up
The really tried
Thank you boss
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