Miscellaneous Enterprises Make A Lot Of Money, Fish Cultivation Tawes
Provision of quality seeds in sufficient quantities and continuous is an important factor in the development of fish farming consumption.
Hatchery efforts are mostly done in Magelang regency, such as in Paremono village, Mungkid sub-district, because it is supported by good water supply in both dry and rainy season. Besides, the hatchery business feels more beneficial because the time spent is relatively short approximately 3 weeks to 1 month, and marketing is easy.
There are several ways of hatching of fish tawes fish hatchery in ponds, hatchery in the fields and hatchery in hapa.
Parent Selection
1. To obtain quality seeds and large quantities in the hatching of Tawes need to select a good parent with the characteristics:
a. The location of the rectal hole is located relatively closer to the base of the tail.
b. The head is relatively smaller and tapered.
c. The scales are large and regular d. The base of the tail is wide and sturdy.
2. In general, male tawes fish began breeding at the age of approximately 1 year, and female parent tawes at the age of approximately 1.5 years. To know that the parent fish tawes have matured and ready to be breed with signs as follows:
a. Parent of the female
His belly expands towards the genetal (release) when touched more soft.
Rectal hole colored slightly reddish, Close the gills when touched more slippery, When the stomach is ordered from the direction of the head to the anus will come out the liquid black.b. Male male
When the stomach is ordered from the direction of the head to the anus will come out whitish liquid (sperm), Close gills when touched feels rough
Spawning pond of tawes fish is also a hatchery pond and nursery pond. Before being used for spawning, ponds are dried.
Repair of the bunds and bottom of the pond is made a longitudinal channel (caren / kamalir) from the water entry towards the discharge of water with a width of 40 cm and the depth of 20-30 cm.
Parent fish tawes that have been selected for dipijahkan then bowed, bend with the placement of male and female parent separately for 4-5 days
After the gulp then the mother fish put into spawning pond that has been prepared
Entrance into the pond when the water reaches approximately 20 cm
Number of parent released by female parent 25 tail and 50 male parent
In the afternoon at approximately 16:00 the water into the pool is enlarged so that the flow of water is more rapid.
Usually the parent fish tawes spawn at 19:00 to 22:00
Mother who will spawn usually during the day has started chasing around the water entry.
After the parent fish tawes lay eggs, water into the pond is reduced so that the eggs are not carried by the current, hatching is done in the spawning pond as well
Morning examined when there are eggs that pile up around the pond or part of the shallow land spread by swinging broom stick at the bottom of the pond
Eggs of tawes usually hatch all after 2-3 days
Of hatcher fish kept in the pond for approximately 21 days.
Fish Enlargement Tawes
Seeds that have been sized 5-8 cm talled in a pool of magnification with a density of about 3-4 tails per m2. The water in the magnification pool is filled with a height of about 40 cm 60 cm with a steady flow of water and the discharge is not too large. Pembesarn this fish takes about 4-6 months later, tawes fish can be harvested to become sires back or sold to consumers for consumption.
Hi, do you keep shrimp as well?
yes sir I also keep the shrimp, whether the father of shrimp farmers

Cool do you have crystal reds and blacks ? What other type of shrimps do you have as well?
@louiscpt tjom waar is jy deesdae niks posts tokol?? Haha how you mate long time? I wanted to comment on your recent posts but there are none? I checked you commented on @dan EOS do you have any ? I have around 100 but I hear we need to register them before June 1st? Cheer$;)
Ilong na kupaso, ikah do sang tuwo kapso bakk aaatra buklam
what you are talking about i do not understand your language