A Child drives his car with his mother, on the way suddenly comes a storm, a dark sky. Some vehicles start to pull over & stop.
How, Mom?
We pause ?, The boy asked.
Keep up ..! said the mother.
The sky was getting dark, the wind blowing hard. rain down.
Some trees fall. The atmosphere is very scary, seen large vehicles also began to pull over / stop
"Mom ....?"
"Keep on driving" Mother said as she continued to look forward worriedly while praying.
His son is still driving with great effort.
heavy rain obstructs his visibility.
The child began to fear, but still driving slowly.
After a while past the storm area, the rain began to subside & the wind began to decrease.
The mother said:
Try to stop & get out "
"Why now buu? asked sianak.
"So you can see and imagine," If we stop in a storm "
The Child stops & goes out. He sees the storm guy far behind.
His mother reminded,
NEVER STOP in the storm, because we will be caught in the uncertainty.
makah of this incident is there if we are facing the "Storm of life" CONSIDER try not to stop let alone despair, because we will drown in a state of uncertainty that continues to be frightening.
DO just what we can do, and convince ourselves that the SADS will certainly PASS and continue to pray to God.
We can not stop and resign, struggle and try to move on. Because we have to be sure that ahead there is still Certainty and Success for us. and God will not give the trial beyond the bounds of his servant's loyalty
NEED bushes to be WARNING
NEED The junction to allow BIJAK to vote.
NEED Hint so we have HOPE about the future direction.
NEED the steep road, to know the power that is owned
NEED Sacrifice so we know how to WORK HARD
NEED to laugh and smile_ so we know SAYING THANKS
NEED_Others so we know we are NOT OWN.
Do not solve PROBLEMS with complaining, moaning, and angry "_, Finish it with patience, gratitude, alms, and do not forget SMILING
keep on STEP even if got the BREAK, Do not be afraid when there is no wall to lean still there floor to prostrate
The most perfect good deeds are good deeds that are not visible, however .. Can be felt deep down to the heart of the heart
do not count what is missing but calculate what is left
No matter how small our income is, it will be enough when it is used for Life's Needs.
Any amount of our income, will be less if used for Lifestyle
not always the beautiful words are true, nor is it that the painful words are wrong
Life is too short to release those who hurt you, love those who are in you. And fight for those who mean to you.
be friends with all people, but associate with people of integrity and have the right values of life, because association will affect our perspective and our future
Thanks ☺

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