imsakiyah ramadhan 1939 H/2018 M
Ini adalah jadwal imsakiyah ramadhan 1439h/2018 m
Jadwal ini untuk wilayah lhoksemawe,punteut,bayu,geudong,murah mulia,geureudong pase,sp.keuramat,buloh blang ara,buloh beureughang,nisam,batuphat
Untuk jadwal ini berlaku mulai dari besok sampai dengan habis bulan puasa
Semonga bermanfaat bagi ummat islam yang berpuasa besok
This is the schedule imsakiyah ramadhan 1439h / 2018 m
This timetable for lhoksemawe, punteut, bayu, geudong, cheap noble, geureudong pase, sp.keuramat, buloh blang ara, buloh beureughang, nisam, batuphat
For this schedule apply from tomorrow until the month of fasting
Semonga useful for Muslims who fast tomorrow
@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.