Forum honorer

in #esteem7 years ago

HAPPY & SUCCESSFUL .....#FHKI SPECIFIC DEVICE (FKHA) held Events Establishment Honorer Forum Anjatan District Located at SDN Kopyah 2 of the total of all honorary staff in Anjatan Sub-district level of elementary school that is as much 177 honorary staff But only Attendance attendance attendance as much 128 workers honoris good teacher, Operator / personnel Administration and school guard, Their enthusiasm is very extraordinary Appreciation, because one vote is very decisive to their fate in the future hope that there is a change of their fate better
..The event went very wisely and full of spirit, and was also attended by Chairman of PGRI Kec.Anjatan (Mr. Kusnadi, S.Pd), Head of K3S (Mr. Soja, S.Pd), Elementary School Supervisor (H.Sobirin, S.Pd) which in essence he he strongly supports the establishment of this Honorer FORUM."Alhamdulillah in the election of Coordinator of District Coordinator Honorary Forum we are not difficult to find people who want to work and struggle with full heart because so far we already have the right figure or figure and have a high loyalty that is Mr. Lucky Purna Irawan Ank Loecq Duatigaempat."Congratulations to Father Lucky Purna Irawan Hopefully Amanah in leading, fighting Our Fate (Honorer) Father and Father's time is very meaningful for us, may Allah SWT repay your sacrifice, Aamin"Congratulations and Success for all of usWe would like to thank to:Dear,1. Ka. UPTD District Anjatan2. Supervisor of UPTD Pendidikan Anjatan3. PGRI Kec.Anjatan4. K3S Kec.Anjatan5. All friends of FHKI Kec.Anjatan#Tomorrow Go To Haurgelis & Gantar

FHKI KECAMATAN ANJATAN (FKHA) mengadakan Acara Pembentukan Forum Honorer Kecamatan Anjatan Bertempat di SDN Kopyah 2 dari jumlah seluruh tenaga honorer yang ada di Kecamatan Anjatan tingkat Sekolah dasar yaitu sebanyak 177 tenaga honorer Namun hanya DIhadiri peserta Rapat sebanyak 128 tenaga honorer baik itu Guru, Operator / tenaga Administrasi maupun penjaga sekolah, Antusias mereka sangat luar biasa patut kira Apresiasi, karena memang satu suara sangat menentukan nasib mereka kedepannya berharap agar ada perubahan nasib mereka lebih baik..

Acara berjalan sangat hikmat dan penuh semangat, dan di hadiri juga oleh Ketua PGRI Kec.Anjatan (Bapak Kusnadi,S.Pd) ,Ketua K3S (Bapak Soja,S.Pd),Pengawas SD (Bapak H.Sobirin,S.Pd) yang intinya beliau beliau sangat mendukung adanya pembentukan FORUM Honorer ini.
"Alhamdulillah dalam pemilihan Ketua Koordinator kecamatan Forum Honorer ini kita tidak sulit mencari orang yang mau bekerja dan berjuang dengan sepenuhi hati karna selama ini kita sudah memiliki sosok atau figur yang tepat dan mempunyai loyalitas yang tinggi yaitu Bapak Lucky Purna Irawan Ank Loecq Duatigaempat."
"Selamat berjuang bapak Lucky Purna Irawan semoga Amanah dalam memimpin, memperjuangkan Nasib Kami (Honorer) waktu fikiran dan tenaga bapak sangat berarti bagi kami, semoga Allah SWT membalas pengorbananmu, Aamin"
Selamat dan Sukses untuk kita semua

Kami haturkan terima kasih kepada :

  1. Ka. UPTD Kecamatan Anjatan
  2. Pengawas UPTD Pendidikan Anjatan
  3. PGRI Kec.Anjatan
  4. K3S Kec.Anjatan
  5. Seluruh kawan FHKI Kec.Anjatan
    #Besok Go To Haurgelis & Gantar

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😦 ★Nice Post...; 😦