sholat tahajud ( me like )

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)


The law of Sholat Tahajud

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said in the Qur'an about this most special sunna prayer:

ومن الليل فتهجد به نافلة لك عسى أن يبعثك ربك مقاما محمودا

"And on some evenings you will marry as an additional service to you; Hopefully your Lord will raise you to a place that is commendable. "(QS. Al-Israa ': 79)

Initially, this prayer is mandatory for the Muslims. after the command decrees five prayers, this prayer becomes sunnah muakkadah (Sunnah is highly recommended) for the Muslims. As for Rasulullah, this prayer is mandatory so that he never leaves it.

The virtue of Prayer Tahajud

its virtue is remarkable, which makes us supposed to be motivated to get used to practicing it.

  1. Praised Position

As the word of Allah in the letter of Al-Isra verse 79 above, who is a professor of prayer tahajud will be appointed God to the place / position of praise.

  1. Key Entry Paradise

the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

"Spread greetings, feed (those in need), connect silaturrahim, and pray at night while others are asleep; surely you will go to heaven safely. "(HR Tirmidhi)

3.Sunnah's Most Prayer

Tahajud which is also called qiyamul lail or pray lail is the most important sunnah prayer. As the saying of the Messenger of Allah:

أفضل الصلاة بعد الفريضة قيام الليل

"The most afdhol prayer after fardhu prayer is night prayer" (HRan Nasa'i)

  1. Glory and Authority

In addition to getting a glorious position in the hereafter, people who are experts tahajud prayers will also get a glorious position in the world. God will give him glory and dignity.

واعلم أن شرف المؤمن قيامه بالليل

"And know that the glory and dignity of a believer is in his evening prayer" (HR Judge hasan)

  1. The prayer is granted

People who do tahajud prayer then pray, God willing, God's prayer is granted. Especially if he did it in the last third of the night.

6.the habits of the Righteous

This prayer is a habit of the preceding people. So who is currently doing it, he is also recorded as the righteous as they are.

"Get used to praying for the night prayer because it is the tradition of the righteous before you, drawing closer to God, removing sin, refusing illness, and preventing sin." (Narrated by Ahmad)

  1. Eraser and Prevent Sin

Everyone must have sin. small sins can fall by practicing this sunnah prayer as the above hadith.

Even more remarkably, tahajud can also prevent a person from committing a sin. people who commonly know tahajud will get taufiq from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala so that he is away from sin and sin.

  1. Refuse Disease

Among the virtues of tahajud is to resist disease. with the permission of Allah, those who practice this sunnah prayer will be kept health and kept away from illness. This virtue has been medically proven.