Aceh's favorite flower
Beautiful-pretty pretty deh park. Which is your favorite park? Keep the beauty of the park, do not be damaging for the sake of selfie alone.
He adds there are dozens of types of flowers planted on the top of the hill.
"In addition to flowers there is also a gazebo to enjoy the atmosphere of the park, there is also a love bridge to take pictures with a background of hilly scenery," he explained.

Cantik-cantik banget deh tamannya. Mana taman favoritmu? Tetap jaga keindahan taman ya, jangan sampai merusak demi selfie semata.
Ia menambahakan terdapat puluhan jenis bunga yang ditanam di puncak bukit tersebut.
"Selain bunga ada juga gazebo untuk menikmati suasana taman, ada juga jembatan cinta untuk berfoto dengan latar pemandangan perbukitan," paparnya.
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