Watch boy 2 and learn laptops

in #esteem7 years ago

Enjoying a laptop with my beloved sister, time to play with my sister and learn laptops

Many people who want to learn computers since it was first created in the first generation in 1940 during World War Two computers are as big as houses to help break secret codes.

The second generation, since the transistor component was discovered in 1948 by three engineers the size of the computer began to shrink. Second generation computers are widely used in the state and military industries.

The third generation, integration component or IC (integrated circuit) in 1958 began to shift the role of transistors that tend to heat, but transistors are still used to replace the vacuum tube components.

The fourth generation, 1980 is the era of computers began to be used personally, no longer merely in the military and industry. Call it IBM and Mac as pioneers of personal computers (PCs). Because the components of LSI, VLSI, and ULSI (ultra large scale integration) began to be applied so that the computer becomes smaller and easier to use.

The fifth generation, we can be sure we all entered the era of the fifth generation computer, you can see more fully about computer history in

As we all know the creation of a computer to alleviate human work in almost all fields of work. Try to mention what jobs require computers.