What is Essential?

in #essential4 years ago

Now we have come to the re-opening of our crippling economy, we act on the err of caution. As of two months ago, we never even thought about wearing masks, keeping gloves on our person and definitely not spacing ourselves 6 feet away from one another. It is still foreign to me to see markings of colored tape on the floor to tell us where to stand. Only last week I went to Trader Joe's to get some groceries, only to wait for 20 minutes before I could be allowed into the door. It was a bright sunny day with no cloud in the sky. The parking lot was half full of cars and even the cars were properly spaced. As I parked and walked toward the store, I was herded in line behind the other livestock in front of me. The people around me were wearing masks mostly, even with a slight breeze blowing about. Both young and old were waiting patiently to be told when to enter. There was an older black lady, thin and little frail looking was yelled at by one of the TJ employees for not keeping her 6 foot distance. In her defense, it was sunny and waiting spots were out in the direct sunlight, and other times were covered by an 8 x 8 pop up tent. She got too close to me and that was unacceptable to the corporate rules now laid out for their essential employees. She wasn't breathing down my neck, not in my personal space, but too close for comfort according to the gate keepers.

This brings me to my question, what is essential? It is unthinkable of the "new normal" of what guidelines we all have to follow. To me it is utterly ridiculous and everything needs to be back to normal or the old normal from back in the day; two months ago. This Cerveza Sickness was a pimple on the ass months ago and exacerbated to be the most deadliest virus to ever exist. Abortions in the US far surpasses any deaths for 3 months while the country was in lock down. The possibility of car accidents probably went down due to mandatory stay at home orders, but heart disease and diabetes, among seasonal illnesses with pneumonia and influenza as well as auto wrecks still ranked high on the list for cause of death.

Now, not so sure, especially if you listen to the radio and watch lamestream media tell you everyday how dangerous this corruption virus is and your chances of becoming sicker than you would never imagine. To live in your own head, to be surrounded by Big Brother spying on you through your phone or computer, constantly reminding you of how unhealthy it is to be outside in the sunshine with fresh air. "It's airborne" from what I have been told and stay at home so you won't catch this invisible killer. I'm sorry folks, but everything is airborne. Smog from car emissions, pollution from factories, plastics in our oceans and seas, tainted drinking water from fraking. Everything, including this pimple on our ass virus could kill us.

One silent killer that is among us all is depression. These last few months has taken several tolls on all of us. Before all this beer virus started, I was looking forward to having one of the best years ever for business. My partner and I started a business over a year ago and it was slowly creating momentum. We found a little steam as we had gotten discovered word of mouth. We started getting more bookings for local places and the possibility of owning a food truck could be in our grasps. Yes, we started a pop-up with our gourmet sliders, slinging these yummy delicacies to local breweries and a winery or two. It was becoming our niche and we were working the circuit until the rug was pulled out from every one of us worldwide.

Our last job before the mandatory country shutdown was the most lucrative we have on our books. We saved most of it, only to pay bills that were still coming in with no compensation. We hedge some and are diverse with our currency, (not money) with precious metals, crypto and other ways of hedging. We were no dummies to be told that it would get this bad, where the world would shut down the economy. Lots of people on You Tube were discussing that a bubble would burst and it would be very much a recession, similar to the late 1930s, but worse than 2008.

I don't believe everything is by accident. The higher-ups, 1% had a plan all along. This is was a closed door conversation set aside many a times by 1% and how they can control everyone in the world. It is about domination, not virus related. Can you say Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Hmmm. It's not hard to put it past our government to do this to their residents. Govern-means to control and Ment-means mind. Put the words together you get MIND CONTROL. History tends to repeat itself in other forms and fashions, but now I see that the Emperor is naked and not wearing clothes. Pretty sad story if you remember the fable. It is similar to how "they" or the court jesters in the story, are telling us one big lie to make us feel warm and secure, but really we are all naked as the Emperor.

How does this make us feel? Today hasn't been the best day for me, as a matter of fact I feel little depressed. I so want to get out there and be essential again. I was always essential. I believe that the other silent killer is poverty. If you have been financially stable before, and poof, all that take away from you. You would feel the same, it rubs off on people, and the government knows this. Hence the helicopter money. I also accepted unemployment because I am not an "essential" person. I cater, making food for my events, started a successful food pop-up with my partner and making a name for ourselves. Now it is like starting over. I see it with established businesses. We are all chomping at the bit, but can't jump with both feet until we go through the "phases", which every state and city has different guidelines. All business coming back can only operate at 25% capacity. Less clientele and now we have to follow "rules" or get fined, go to jail and shutdown. I mean WTH? Right? My friend who operates a hair salon, cannot do what she wants because of the "phase" rules in order. My father is one of those essentials too that has to go through "phases" he is a podiatrist, but had strict rules of what patients to see while everyone is in quarantine. Emergency basis only like abscess and infection, or whatever deems as emergency. I was told from a local representative secretary that oncologists were not allowed to administer drugs to their cancer patients, unless it was related to the COVID. Another WTH? or WTF?

This brings me to another question. What makes us a statistic? It seems now to be all about the numbers and the govt is not telling you that something more sinister is coming. No, it is not the Murder Hornets either. I believe this new technology, which commercial tells you will be the fastest and most reliable. Can you guess? 5G. Is it conspiracy theory that our government shut the world down to put up towers that could corrupt our molecular infrastructure for healing? In other words, it is the same as putting microwaves x1000 on every city block, melting away our white blood cells, taking away our oxygen in our bodies. The way we can heal is by having oxygen, but these fatal towers will slowly destroy every living creature, including the ones who have a brain and walk on two legs. I don't want this 5G. This is going to kill us more than the Ceveza sickness, mark my words and the only thing the government will do is say it is another virus or CV-19 coming back, like they told us it would, because everyone is getting sick again. I did mention that it infects our immune system, the very thing to ward off deadly virus and disease.

Never in my life, had I seen anything of this caliber, destroy the minds and livelihoods of many. My occupation of being a planner, I always keep a calendar and look for new ways to reinvent myself, just in case something goes awry. Where can we hide and start over? If the government gets involved of these "phases" to get our economy back in order, we are all doomed. The "phases" are 3 as of now. "Phase 3" is to a have a vaccine in place for essentials. Hmmm. I don't think so. I don't want Kill Gates to be any part of my life. It is bad enough that I have a Windows computer that already are susceptible to virus. He want world domination, try to get richer by coming up with a vaccine to take us all out. Like I said, this is no accident. Ted talks in the past has him talking about vaccines and thinning the herd of world population. The man is a killer, but is disguised to be a hero. The media praises him to be the next coming, total god superior complex. Guess, he got bullied in schools too much and now he wants everyone who looks at him funny dead, just like in his youth. No thank you! No vaccine for me.

What's next? It is a pins and needle situation. We all want to get out into restaurants again, go to beaches, travel without restrictions. Will that ever go back to what it was? The seed is sown, we are drones with our masks and hand sanitizers. Dare not leave home without them or the boogie man will get you!

We are all essential! Let's be essential together. We are important, we are unique and we will prevail this "angel of death" as it passes over our world. "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!" Blazing Saddles

As in the words of Mark Twain: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

Keep it real!

Saucy Girl Out!