My True Interpretation of the Garden of Eden

in #esoteric6 years ago (edited)

To express beyond the north you must penetrate the etheric energy that surrounds it and insulates it from the greator reality.
It's the orange energy of the second charckra. It manifests here as sexual energy. It is irrepressible. It stops souls from moving beyond this plane by capturing them in a loop and sending them back in this direction. Its the magnetic force to rebirth.

To escape it you must acknowledge it but not partake in it. This is the meaning behind the story of Adam and Eve. You can not resist something willingly until you first know you are meant to. Hence God instructs that the only thing that they cannot do is pick the fruit from that certain tree.
Eating that fruit results in them being banished from Eden and sent to the earth to toil.
This is because the fruit is representative of the energy that surrounds and insulates the physical plane. Its a vortex that draws all things into deeper levels of materiality.

When the story said they were banished by god it really means that they were caught in the downward flow of the vortex. When God said don't pick the apple it meant stay away from this obvious strong vortex. It is in centre of the garden because like a emptying drain it is the lowest point of that plane.

Every one knows not to go there because it is so wild and the closer you get it exerts a stronger physical pull. "Who knows what's down there and can you even comeback if you dare try to go down?"

Eves' fear of the unknown and caution is described as the instruction from God to beware. But through familiarly fueled by curiosity to investigate the central vortex. Her fear and trepidation give way to bravado and a sense of calculated risk taking. This is portrayed as the serpent giving Eve reason and justification as to why she should investigate the vortex more closely.

So what is through the vortex? I said it leads to the material world but here is the mystery. Adam and Eve were already on the physical world. But their minds were anchored in the subconscious realm of the dream state. They didn't have a waking state consciousness like we do. They were completely instinctual subconscious beings.

Eating the forbidden fruit was to gain self-conscious waking state consciousness. Originally they could go in and out of this new way of perceiving. Hence Eve convincing Adam to join with her in the original sin and then both of them trying to hide from god.

It means their new self conscious state had changed them in an irriversible way which effected the behaviour. They now acted as self conscious beings, covering their nakedness of which before they were unaware. And finally. When god banished them from the garden this means that the process that Eve set in motion of gaining full self-consciousness had to run its course which culminates in the being being firmly established in the physical waking state and removed as far as possible from the subconscious instinctual state of being.

Once the journey to become established in a self-conscious, waking conscious state is thoroughly completed then the final part of the process needs to happen. Return to the subconscious realm (Eden) in full waking consciousness.

The active and the passive realms exist eternally. The passive aspect is the material plane of our known existence. It is transient, Forming dematerialising foreever. If you trace the manifestation of the physical plane back to its origin you find the big bang but is this the first time the original manifestation?Project - Drawing 18522916764638873508.png