The Flame Of Desire

in #erotica7 years ago (edited)

Author's note:

It has been a really long while since I last did anything like this and I figure, I might as well check to see if I still got it. This is more for me than it will be for my readers. I honestly do not have a pre-determined plan for this but I hope it turns out okay. It's as much a thrilling surprise for me as it will be for you.


Their bodies found each other in the darkness even before the door locked behind them. Her right hand tugged on his shirt while the left dug into the hair at the back of his head, pulling him to her. As if in perfect synchrony, his hands lifted her at the thighs and she wrapped her legs around him. Her hands shifted to his back, half caressing and half pulling him. He pushed her back to the door that had now locked behind them.

All the while, their lips were interlocked. There was a deep urgency in the way they kissed. Their tongues played around as if to douse some hidden flame that was consuming them. And the desire only kept growing. The flame did not seem to die down, and it kept urging them on into greater contact. Their kissing was now too vigorous and they still did not feel the need to stop. Or maybe they couldn't! Their contact earlier that evening had unlocked the floodgates and there was nothing to could stop the desire from consuming them.

Part 1: At the office

Earlier that evening, they'd found themselves working late, which was not an unusual occurrence, ever since they got assigned to work on the same project. The only thing that was different this time was that they were completely alone. By some dark twist of fate, everyone else on their teams had managed to go home early and they had been left finishing up.
Up until this point, they'd made a pretty great job of avoiding each other. After all, they were rivals competing on the same project.

"You two are the best minds I have in this company." Their boss had begun. "Considering your successes, the complexity of this project and the short timeframe, I would like for you two to come at it from two different angles. You will work on the same project and whoever comes up with the better concept before the other, will get the job."

'The job' was a much-coveted position as the head of division in the most successful branch of the company.

And so the bitter rivalry began.

However, as time went by, they found themselves getting more and more attracted to each other. He'd find himself staring at her, having very sexual dreams about her and so on. And she would do the same. The more they continued to be 'rivals', the hotter they grew for each other. They started making poor excuses to be around each other until it eventually became clear that if they didn't put an end to whatever was happening between them, they would be consumed by it. And so, slowly they started to disengage until eventually, they managed to avoid each other completely.

However, something happened that would change everything and she had to confirm it directly with him. That was her intention for going to see him that evening. Besides, how would she have known that he was alone?

She leaned against the door and took him in. He was bent over some papers on his desk and didn't seem to notice the world around him. He was a tall, well-built man - well-built but not hard-cut. If he worked out, it wasn't to harden his body to absurdity. She liked how he fit into his clothes and she found herself thinking more and more about his chest that was barely visible from the undone button. He had soft chocolate skin that appeared to have no blemish at all, as far as she could tell. Soft? Ah yes! She'd somehow found excuses to feel him. She wanted to feel more of him and her mind started to wander off, thinking of how hot it would be to have him right by that desk. Her heart started racing and her breathing got strained. Suddenly, she was parched and so she cleared her throat, which inadvertently startled him.

"Oh! Hey. Didn't see you there. Thought I was alone," He said looking up and leaning back in his chair in a very authoritative way.

His voice! She loved the sound of his voice. He had a mildly deep voice. One that was smooth enough to make him sing like evil had sent him straight to tempt her. But it wasn't just his voice, it was the way he used it. The words that came out of that mouth and the intelligence he spewed when he opened those luscious lips. She loved listening to him and how smart he was. It was rare for her to meet people who could match her train of thought, let alone challenge it.

"I… Uhm… I just came to see how the bottom-half are fairing," She lied.

He smiled. Could he tell?

"You missed me, ey?" He didn't mean to say that. Or even smile. What was happening?

"What? Noooo? Are you insane?" She asked, obviously charmed.

"You just going to stand by the door all night? You can't see how far we've come or copy my ideas from that far," He was bringing back normalcy.

"Oh please, if I ever have to copy off you, I might as well just jump right out that window."

She walked around the desk and leaned on it so that she was above him but also right in his view.

He found himself staring at her ass where it was perched on the edge of the desk. It was gorgeous. He loved how it fit into her pants and how curvy her body was. She was a short, beautiful woman with long hair that flowed all the way to her back. At least it did the few times he'd ever seen her let it down. She had huge boobs but not too huge that they suffocated her figure. Just huge enough to pop out of her blouse and strain her outfit. He was now staring right into her cleavage.

"Eyes up here, Mikey." She'd caught him staring and she loved it. She'd seen him trail his eyes from her butt and ever so slowly to her boobs. She liked how hungry for her he looked and so she'd heaved her chest up a little. Not that she needed to, but she liked that he was getting that maddening look of need in his eyes and she wanted to see more of it.

He looked up at her face and covered the awkward smile that was forming by clasping his hand in front of his mouth. Her eyes! Lord, he loved her eyes. They were small brown eyes that always seemed to resonate with her mood. They danced around when she was excited, got this burning rage when she was mad and were very seductive when she was being playful. He'd seen that look before. She was being playful again! He had to cut this short or things would get out of hand fast! He lowered his gaze from her eyes, she'd tilted her head a little to the right. His eyes fell on her lips. They were perfect! Every time they just seemed to call to him, even when she was mad and had this cute frown on her face that forced her to purse her lips. Even then, they called to him. In fact, her entire body called to him.

"So, what can I do for you, Annie?"

They'd started calling each other Mikey and Annie when they started getting all confused around each other. At first, it was infuriating but they eventually came to enjoy it, albeit secretly.

"Is it true? I heard you were leaving the company." She finally managed to get to her agenda.

"Ah! News travels fast around here! Well… Yeah. Now you don't need to compete for the job. It's definitely yours once we get done with this stupid project."

Her heart sank. She was secretly hoping it was all a lie. Somehow, the truth hit her harder than she expected.

"Fuck you!" She blurted out, although she had no idea where that came from or why she even said it.

The expression on his face changed and he opened his mouth to say something but she wouldn't let him.

"How the fuck do you not tell me that you're leaving? I have to rely on rumors to find out that you already decided to take off and leave me? Do I mean that little or nothing at all to you?"

She was enraged and she honestly couldn't tell why she was saying these things. She wanted to stop but couldn't. The plan was to make light of the issue, joke around about how he was leaving because he was afraid he'd lose to her and then congratulate him and walk away. All this other stuff about leaving her? Leaving her? They weren’t even together.

He'd never seen her like this before. She was distraught. Her eyes were sunken and she looked like she was in pain. She was on the verge of tears. And so he made a gamble, one that he would either regret or enjoy. He was betting on regret more, but it didn't matter at this point, he had to make the pain go away. And so he got up, leaned his left hand on the desk, moved his right hand to the back of her head and gently pulled her to him.

She was still talking when their lips met. And for what seemed like an eternity, everything around her started spinning. Her natural instinct was to reject whatever he was doing but then the numbness started to fade away and the world stopped spinning around her.

His tongue was nudging at her lips, begging for her to accept him. She slowly found herself closing her eyes and then she leaned in towards him and parted her lips for him. It was electrifying. The moment she accepted that kiss and invited him for more, every nerve in her body was alive. In that moment, she could feel the very building blocks of the universe.

She was moving her hands to pull him in but something kicked in and she shoved him away. Then as if in one motion, she slapped him real hard across the face. And for a moment, things got really silent. He didn't frown or look away or even move his hand to feel where he was slapped. He just stood where he'd been shoved smiling like an idiot.

She wanted to apologize but nothing came out. So she got up, grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity. She could feel his heart racing on his chest from where her right palm was resting. Her left hand was behind his head, clutching his hair and asking for more. His hands were rested on her waist but his right hand found its way to her butt as if it had a mind of its own. It was as soft as he'd imagined. He grabbed at it and caressed her at the same time. A moan escaped her, her butt had always been very sensitive. Their breathing was strained.
They half-walked, half-shuffled each other to his desk and one of them managed to throw everything that was on the desk to the floor. He laid her down on the desk gently. This entire time, their lips had not parted. His left hand propped him on top of her while his right hand moved gently from her waist where it was now resting to her boob. His thumb slipped to her underboob and began caressing. The other four fingers worked their way in from the side, and over her boob. Without warning, he grabbed at it and she moaned. With the blouse and bra, she hadn't expected that much sensitivity.

He was gently massaging her boob now. Then he stopped and his hand trailed down to her butt where it squeezed. Again, she moaned. Her hands were weak, but she somehow found the buttons on his shirt and worked them all undone. She wanted to feel his skin on hers so she pulled her blouse from where it was tucked and shifted under him wanting to undo the buttons. He caught her hand and stopped her.

Their lips parted just long enough for him to utter the clear and very authoritative words,"Don't!"

Why not? Did he not want her? She shifted again. And what was with his voice? What was that voice that had so much pull and authority over her?

He lifted her and lay her completely on the desk. Thank God for the large desks at the office! She hadn't realized how uncomfortable she was before. He got on top of her. He was tall but enough of him could get onto her without straining him or making things awkward and uncomfy.

It was the first time that he was fully on her and she felt his desire bulging and pressing on her belly. She was a playful kitten. Always had been. So she wasn't surprised when her hand found his manhood. And she began to stroke him through his pants, feeling him get harder and thicker. He groaned, clearly affected and interested. His hands were now working the buttons on her blouse. Then why the hell was he saying not to? She couldn't tell. She didn't even care. She stroked some more. Soon enough she would have him in her! She wanted to feel his thick, hard dick inside of her. She moaned at the thought.

Once the blouse was unbuttoned, he shifted and moved further away from her. Dammit! That wasn't the plan! She wanted to feel the heat of his bare, sweaty skin on hers. She wanted those muscles pressed against her entire body, suffocating her and driving her very sanity to the edge. He pulled away from their passionate kiss and for the first time, he felt a searing pain on his lower lip. It seemed she'd bit him. He licked his lip but there didn't seem to be any blood. He loved that she'd bit him, to him it was a testament to her deep need. She just couldn't have enough of him.

He leaned in and kissed her neck and all her train of thought disappeared. The way his lips felt, his wet tongue on her skin, the way he sucked on her skin and made it tingle with a bit of pain. Her entire body was responding to him and the way it was reacting, you'd think it was her first time. He kissed her lower, closer to her collarbone and she loved every second of it. His right hand was dug somewhere on her butt, gently massaging just like he'd done with her boob.

He lips moved even lower and his hand began to move upwards. She arched her back and his hand tucked behind her back and unhooked her bra. In a few short seconds, it was gone and her boobs were free; exposed to him! She lay there reveling in the look of desire that lit up his face as he stared at them, having stopped the kissing. Then just like that, without notice, he took her nipple in his mouth. She closed her eyes and felt the warmth and wetness of his mouth and the deep sucking. She felt herself get even wetter than she already was. So wet, she could swear she was soaking through her panties.

His entire mannerism had changed into something deeper and darker. He was no longer as gentle as he was with her before and she loved every last bit of his hunger. She wanted to feed his desire and feel the pleasure of fulfillment from him. She wanted him in more ways than one. His right hand cupped her left breast, squeezed, rubbed, caressed and manhandled much to her delight. All the while, his mouth was seriously devouring her right nipple. She felt her nipples harden even further; one in his mouth and the other between his thumb and forefinger where he was circling and playfully pinching. She couldn't recall the last time she'd had this much pleasure. If he kept this on she would definitely cum, if she hadn't already. She couldn't even tell where she was. All she felt was his tongue circling his nipple and sucking on it, his hand kneading all the right spots at once and taking her to places she hadn't been in a long time. She'd longed for this and she enjoyed every bit of it.

He mouth moved even further down, with both hands now on her boobs. She couldn't remember her tummy ever being that sensitive. However, that wasn't what she kept thinking about. He was going lower, which meant that he would soon meet her. She didn't know if she was for or against that idea just yet but it was thrilling to find out. Even more so, her left hand was now in his hair, pushing him further down. The right hand was in her own hair, where it'd been stuck pulling as she moaned herself out of breath.

He stopped, knelt up above her and undid her button and zipper. And then just like that, her pants were gone. The same with her panties. She bit her lip and covered her face, feeling shy at how exposed she way.

"You're beautiful." He said in a strained, husky and breathless voice.

She uncovered her face and watched as he took a moment to admire her body. The glow of her caramel skin, the flow of her curves, the perky breasts and erect nipples, her messy hair, her hungry eyes, and the glistening sex that seemed to be all ready for him. He moved in and kissed her passionately. He lingered, enjoying the way her tongue moved in harmony with his and how calm she was getting. Her breathing normalized, just as he'd wanted. And then his hand found her, wet and silky with the burning heat of desire. Annie inhaled deeply as his hand touched the most sensitive part of her body. She stopped kissing him and looked at him, his eyes still closed as he savored the lingering memory of her kiss, or perhaps as he thought of other things. He looked so peaceful she couldn't tell, while inside her a storm was brewing - One full of self-doubt, confusion, desire, thirst, craving, insecurity and everything in between.

"Relax and come back to me." He said, his eyes now open. His hand hadn't moved yet.

"Do you want me?" He asked seductively.

She didn't reply. He arched his brow in a way he only did when he was urging her into something.

"Yeees…" She half-moaned, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him. She wanted him and she would have him. Her mind was made up!

His hand moved, exploring her wet lips, mapping out her outline. She was trying hard to control her breathing, which he seemed to want under control but the pleasure of his hand rubbing on her was maddening. His middle finger dug in between the folds exploring the wet center that was now thumping to her heart beat. The ring finger and forefinger remained on the lips as if pressing them against the middle finger that lay between them. Then he started stroking her up and down, moving ever so slowly, all the while watching her face as she struggled between screaming and pacing herself. She was too far gone to notice how badly he enjoyed the strain it had on her. Then he started rubbing her clit with his palm, increasing the pleasure tenfold. Each stroke got deeper and stronger, but never faster. She found herself grinding against his hand, eager to increase the pace and finally get the release her body was yearning for.


She opened her eyes for a moment long enough to see him enjoy torturing her. She wanted to complain but couldn't. Her entire body was weak, having surrendered to his will. And so she did what anyone would do in that situation; played on his ego.

"Oh God that feels so good! I want to cum for you, Mikey! Please make me cum!" She said in the most seductive way she could manage despite her breathlessness.

And just like that, he quickened his pace, rubbing with even greater fervor than before. She was already so close it didn't take long before she felt the orgasm well up inside her. It started at her clit, an intense pleasure that was by far inexplicable. Then it spread throughout her pussy and everywhere his fingers were touching, well more like rubbing. Then it hit her spine and took over her entire body. She shut her eyes, let out a moan that was more like a scream and threw her ass into the air pushing her pussy into his hand. The muscles in her entire body tensed. Her nipples got so hard she thought they'd explode. He kept stroking as she rode out the wave of intense pleasure that had taken her over. He wondered if she'd noticed that her nails had clawed out his back. She grabbed his hair mid-orgasm and kissed his lips, with even greater intensity than before. She felt her pussy pulse in his hand and unconsciously moved her hips with each pulse. He still hadn't stopped stroking. She pulled away from his kiss to breathe and he let her. And then the muscles in her body all relaxed at once and she felt a sweet and tender calmness wash over her.

All the while, she thought, "There's no fucking way anyone is this good!"

Now it was his turn, she thought and made as if to get on top of him. But she was still too weak and he was much faster. Apparently, he wasn't done with her.

I didn't intend for this to be a series or anything but it appears it will be. I am a little rusty but I think it's coming back to me. We'll see in the next part(s) of the series. I'd like your input on this as well. Is it a nay or yay? Is there anything in particular you like or dislike? Please leave a response.