in #equality6 years ago (edited)

Are these just aspirations we have?
Why are these considered strange concepts by a group of people?

Why is it so difficult for low-income families to actually have a fair opportunity within the system and prosper?
To have proper wages in order to sustain a dignified life?
Is it so crazy to have the opportunity to study without having to worry about student debt?

No, it is not crazy. And people are realizing that. Around the world, people are waking up to what their governments are allowing to happen. Some people are becoming more aware of fake news or “twisted” news as I call it.

One of the good things about social media is that you will find everything online. If you do your research you will find unbiased platforms or alternative independent media that do the research and report both sides of the coin. Not all of them do but there are a few that do a very good job. Unfortunately, not everyone will make that effort to do research, and critically analyze the information.

Some people don’t even make the effort of reading the complete article, check the sources. Instead to go directly into attacking mode. Unfortunately, due to this behavior people are becoming more ignorant and less tolerant for open discussion. It’s not completely our fault either since a lot of it has to do with how the information has been presented to us. It is until recently that some of us have become more aware of how the news is presented, what sources are being used and whether it provides both sides of the issue but unfortunately there is a large group who still blindly beliefs in incomplete incorrect information.

It is unfortunate that our children are unable to go to school because their parents can’t afford it. Some children go to school without lunch. At the same time, you have children throwing away their food or bullying those who can’t afford to buy their lunch. Inequality still exists in all societies because there is still a large group of people who believe in their superiority. What do you when you learn in school about the great conquerors that are described as heroes when you are descendant of the people they killed? When you are indoctrinated into thinking that the way you are is not good enough to reach their level of superiority?

In order to have equality, people from all groups in society should have the right mindset by believing they are equal to all and have rights, basic human rights. Their belief will help them fight back for equal opportunities and some definitely do. They have to fight for equal opportunities because social inequality has increased as the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer.

Workers are fighting for fair wages, work conditions, and injustices in the workforce most of the times in a pacific and coordinated manner through their unions. In many countries, workers are just realizing they have rights and the power to fight for their rights.