Preaching to the ChoirsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #epiphanies6 years ago

I got a comment on my introduction 2.0 that just said “preaching to the choir”. I have not been able to let go of this idiom. I keep thinking, am I really just writing something that has no essence, that people already know? The sentence comes from somebody that is trying to convert a congregation that is already converted. But here is the thing, I am not trying to convert anybody. I just want to share my story, and if I’m going to let the first comment I get to change my goal, I have more problems than just preaching to the wrong audience.

So, after much consideration, (seriously too much, this freaking guy/gal totally messed with my head) I have decided to quit the blog.

Totally kidding, I am not going to quit after one post. I am committed to share these stories and thankfully, this comment reminded me that I should not share my thoughts for my ego. My ego was the one getting hurt. My ego was the one not letting go of the comment. My ego almost had me thinking this was not worth it.

Why does my ego have to be such an asshole? I read about the stages of awareness where individuals transform their egos into these awesome voices that are always cheering them up, and telling them how is never about the results. And that’s when it clicked! Having expectations, was just my ego’s plan. And here is the thing: I don’t want a plan (especially not one crafted by that asshole).

I want to go with the flow and allow myself to not get discourage. I need to let go of my desire for perfection, so long introduction short, here is my STNR #1

On Creators

Date: 11/11/2016

Source: Audio Memo
  • Are Inventors humanity’s true generators?
  • Do patentee’s show comparable trends and similarities?

On this specific day, I came to my epiphany while folding a sheet. You know people either know how to fold a fitted sheet or not. I happen to be in the first group thanks to an internship in a hotel working in a housekeeping department back in the day. I was folding this sheet and thinking, who came out with this idea. I mean people used regular flat sheets all their life until one day, some genius said: Let’s put elastic in the corners to keep it in place.

_This is when I realized those inventors are generating value for humanity. Some of these inventions benefit the entire earth, some others are exclusive to a group (like people with beds) [1]. I could research different inventors during the course of history, and maybe pinpoint some of their conscious trades and similarities. This task seems like a handful, so my higher-self decided to research the topic specifically linked to patents.

What do patentees have in common? [2]_

Now, let’s not get into the weeds about patents(HA!), the system is currently flawed with the increase in lawsuits, trolls and waste of intellectual product; but instead let’s look at individual inventors. The first thing they have in common is their “not giving up” attitude. Only 3% of inventions make any money, according to the inventor of the fidget spinner [3]. Most of these dedicated inventors pledge their assets in order to obtain the necessary cash flow to maintain their creative process going. According to an article by The Guardian, Catherine Hettinger, the fidget spinner creator, was not able to afford the $400/year fee to maintain the patent on finger spinners. So when the gadget went viral, Catherine did not lambo.

The best part of Catherine’s story is that she is extremely happy about the success of her invention, even if she didn’t make a dime on it. Why? Because part of the inventor’s journey is to let go of the desire for monetary remuneration, and instead create from the heart. So there it is, the epiphany

what organic inventors/creators have in common is their desire to create from within and allow their project to be help for humanity.

Did you know fidget spinners are great for concentration on kids with ADHD and autism?. Maybe if all of us decide to create without the need for profitability we would be able to find true happiness. Because who gives a damn if we are rich, if we can’t help the world to become a better place._

Creators looking for money and success will definitely be dealing with their egos. “Once we can bypass the ego and find joy in service rather than power, can one begin to hear with clarity” [4]

So that’s it. My first epiphany. I remember this day. The butterflies in my stomach just thinking that I was after something were exhilarating. By recording an audio message in my phone and saving it, I manifested this idea. And so it begins, the journey to create. Hoping for this to work to be of service won't be enough. A commitment to keep up with this path, will serve me best.

Bonus epiphany: Have you ever notice how the fidget spinner and the Sisterhood of Avalon’s logo are the same!!!!

Thanks for reading, and cheers to preaching to the choir!

[1] If you also are part of the "I have a bed group" let's show some gratitude. Millions of people are not part of this elite.
[2] By the way, not to shill a coin or anything, but when Ohad fully develops Tauchain, we will be able to get that answer without all the fucking due diligence.
[4] Excerpt from the core beliefs of the Sisterhood of Avalon.