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in #epicdice6 years ago

A new steem DAPP! @trevonjb, thanks for the link, I cannot wait to try the game to see how it works and all the specs behind this platform along with my mining strategy to earn tokens that have not yet been distributed as of yet. Early birds always catch the worm!


yeah man! Another shitty gambling dapp NO ONE needed and NO ONE asked for to Pollute the trending page with Spam!
Anotehr way to loose your money@!

Great job promoting bullshitthat will not make nayoen any money! And donbt tell methat ANY tron based ANYTHING was prorfitable ok/ Sorry it isnt, and its just maybe profitabkle to YOu if yo ave a massive followinG!

You SAID you were gonan make a Token to help Bitconnect peopel and steem-engien is RIGHT there,and its $50 to make a token and you coudl issue it to everyoen who follwoed youa nd investe din bitconnect but you havent done it yet

come on man, do something coola nd useful , make something peopel need not a bnch of scammyt hustles , gambling casino dapps that all just go up and down and fail and dont make anyoen ANY money but the creators of the dapp

its nota "dapp' its just a gambling website that happens to use a blockchain loosely but its still private and has no garuntee they will even pay you, theers plenty of ways this could bea scam, please dont invest

FOR FUCKS SAKE do NOT invest in this, JUST BUY mroe steem or better yet buy soem EOS! or some tokens go buy some fucking STEEM MONSTER cards before you buyt this shit
