When the epic battle come to the end
Subsequent to setting up the Pandavas back on the royal position after the war of the Mahabharata, Krishna was preparing to continue to Dwaraka alongside Satyaki and his aficionado Uddhava. The Suta portrays the story to Shaunaka.
As Krishna was going to get on to his chariot, he saw Uttara—the dowager of Arjuna's child Abhimanyu, who lost his life in the round fight arrangement—running towards him. She looked for Krishna's assurance from a consuming iron bolt that was coordinated to her womb, conveying the main surviving descendants of the Pandava family. "Give me a chance to pass on, O Master. May the youngster in my womb be protected," she argued.
Krishna comprehended that it was a weapon rushed by Ashwathama to wipe out the Pandava tribe totally. Krishna ensured the womb of King Virata's girl with his own energy of maya to secure the genealogy of the Kurus and sent his Sudarshana chakra against the poles of flame that was coming towards Uttara.

Krishna recognized her petition and was prepared to take off. The ball was in Yudhishtira's court now to confront a similar disarray that Arjuna looked in the combat zone before the fight started. "I am in charge of the decimation of every one of these individuals in fight, a considerable lot of them my relatives. It is all a result of the obliviousness profound inside me for securing this body. Nothing can purify the wrongdoing I have acquired by murdering such huge numbers of spouses in war and making their wives dowagers," he deplored. It didn't give him encouragement that the war was equitable and it was the obligation of a ruler to battle in a war if necessary to ensure his own particular subjects.Yudhishtira with his siblings and Krishna went to Vinashana where Bhishma was resting. He needed to look for direction on the exemplary manner by which to run the kingdom.
Bhishma was loaded with tears of adoration on observing Krishna and others. Having given a diminishing talk on dharma for a lord, Bhishma viewed himself as favored that he may shed his mortal edge, focusing on Krishna whom he praised simply then saying he was none other than the incomparable acting naturally. At the point when Bhishma inhaled his last, the entire gathering of eminence fell noiseless as they set the fire on fire.