in #epic6 years ago

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Cryptocurrency has had the option to introduce a simple to utilize digital option in contrast to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless exchanges and swelling control, speculators have been judicious enough to include these monetary standards in their differentiated portfolios as an advantage, as the size of the market does not speak to a foundational hazard. Digital currency utilizes the utilization of cryptography that guarantees high-security forms and confirms exchanges individual to every client. Thus, forging and mysterious exchanges are difficult to accomplish.

While this revolution is increasing wide acknowledgment, Epic Cash is the last point in the adventure toward genuine P2P web money, the foundation of a private monetary framework has arrived. The Epic Cashaims to become the world’s best privacy-protecting form of advanced cash.

What is EPIC CASH?

As portrayed above and as showed on the Epic Cash official whitepaper , Epic Cash is the last point in the voyage toward genuine P2P web money, the foundation of a private budgetary framework. The cash plans to turn into the world’s best mysterious type of advanced cash. So as to satisfy that objective, it satisfies the three chief elements of cash.

Most cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, are put away in wallets whose delivers allude to open keys got from a wallet’s private key. These addresses can be thought of as locators of one’s private vault in the advanced world. Epic Cash takes out addresses totally and rather applies one thousand multi signature from which all open and private keys are produced on a solitary use premise.

The wallet locations are a vault’s locator in the advanced world, that wallet can be followed to a proprietor’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, which stays the proprietor to a PC at an interesting area at a given point in time. Essentially clarified: when a Bitcoin exchange happens the exchange is communicated from a correspondence center point called a ‘hub’ and after that proliferated to different hubs called ‘peers’. That data at that point rapidly spreads to every one of those hubs’ friends successively over the whole system. This procedure is apropos named the “Tattle Protocol”. Simply, each Bitcoin has an obvious online position and a physical area where it, or rather the Bitcoin proprietor, can be found. As columnist Grace Caffyn noted, Bitcoin is “not any more mystery than a Google search from a home web association.

Not with standing taking out wallet addresses, Epic Cash verifies security of character by guaranteeing IP locations can’t be followed. It does this through the joining of the Dandelion++ Protocol. Enhancing its antecedent, the first Dandelion Protocol, the Dandelion Protocol is a consequence of 7 analysts’ proceeded with work to battle deanonymization assaults on the blockchain. Through Dandelion++, exchanges are disregarded arbitrary interweaved ways, or ‘links’, and after that all of a sudden diffused to an enormous system of hubs, similar to the cases of a Dandelion bloom when blown from their stem.

Epic Cash guarantees exchange security by darkening sums and the sender-collector relationship of an exchange. This is accomplished through the use of thoughts Familiar from Confidential Transactions (CT) and CoinJoin, techniques in huge part created.


Epic Cash is a usage that yields propels in versatility because of productive space plan that sheds excess exchange information. The Cut-Through usefulness in charge of this guarantees the blockchain develops more space proficient after some time versus numerous cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, and that new hubs can be made with negligible interests in memory and processing influence. By outstanding space proficient, it capacitates a broadly scattered system and encourages decentralization.

Monetary Policy

The financial arrangement of Epic Cash and Bitcoin are fundamentally the same as. Epic Cash flowing supply initially grows quickly and after that synchronizes with the coursing supply of Bitcoin in 2028. It increments from that point at a declining rate until achieving a most extreme supply of 21 million Epic by 2140. Epic Cash is a sheltered store of long haul esteem on the grounds that the flowing supply is known anytime along its discharge lifecycle and comes full circle in a fixed most extreme supply.

Emission Schedule

Epic Cash has a sum of 33 mining periods, each characterized by declines in square rewards, in respect to their former time. The Epic Genesis, the date on which Epic Cash square #1 is mined, happens on July 4, 2019. Squares are mined at one every moment. The initial five periods will deliver about 97% of the Epic Cash greatest supply, coordinating 20 years of Bitcoin emanations in around nine years.


Epic Cash seeks after decentralization by respecting a wide assortment of calculation equipment. Epic mining is at first accessible to CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and ASICs, utilizing four particular hashing calculations: RandomX, ProgPow, SHA Kecca. Extra calculations can be inconsequentially hot-swapped without bargaining the trustworthiness of the chain.

The Benefits

  • For Users

Epic empowers private web trade as one of the most private cryptocurrencies in presence. Every single Epic exchange are totally visually impaired, but to the two gatherings included, and developed legitimately wallet to wallet on a P2P premise. With Epic there are no wallet locations and exchange sums are misty. Existing chain examination systems like those vital to Bitcoin are successful at puncturing client protection. Rather, with Epic, clients choose what to show to whom with “see keys,” while Dandelion++ exchange engendering deflects deanonymization among wallet and hub. Truth be told, no exchange information shows up in the Epic blockchain by any stretch of the imagination; just “bits” confirming the trustworthiness of the chain are left as proof of past exchanges. Property rights in Epic are outright, as the cash is by structure unconfiscatable and uncensorable.

  • For Miners

Epic empowers interest in calculation with existing ware equipment ready to mine on CPU and GPU. At dispatch, 90% of square rewards are conveyed only to CPU excavators who perform confirmation of work on RandomX utilizing a simple GUI Miner. In consequent times, GPUs prevail, with ProgPoW offering AMD and Nvidia proprietors most of mining rewards. Over the long haul, Cuckoo 31, 32, 33 and past convey memory-bound diagram hypothetical execution. ASICs consistently accept a more prominent portion of system security obligations, reacting to advertise motivators made by an expanding portion of square rewards conveyed to ASICs after some time. A delicate way to 90% ASIC, 9% GPU, 1% CPU more than ten years brings down vulnerability for venture choices and fortifies motivations for capital organization.

  • For Developers

Epic enables everybody to take part in coding since it is written in Rust, which is a simple to learn present day language that offers individuals of all ranges of abilities the chance to add to the code base. The lightweight and quick center Mimblewimble Epic Cash blockchain underpins scriptless contents, nuclear swaps, Schnorr marks, and other bleeding edge highlights. Hubs don’t require full match up and squares are little and quick at 1MB/minute. On-chain adaptability of in any event 3x BTC (20 tx/s) is quickly accessible. As an UTXO-model blockchain, a Lightning-style Layer 2 can be developed to convey a way to Visa-scale exchange limit of 30–50k tx/s inside a couple of years should it be required.


Project Name: Epic Cash
Currency Name: Epic
Block Time: 60 Seconds
Block Size: 1MB
Starting Supply: 0
Final Supply: 21,000,000
Genesis Block: August 1, 2019
Consensus: RandomX (CPUs), ProgPow (GPUs) and CuckAToo31+ (ASICs)


Epic Private Internet Cash is another unique worth media on the internet. It satisfies every one of the attributes of cash both Aristotle. The attributes he notes from great cash: continuance, compactness, nature can be isolated, and usefulness. These properties profit; what’s more, the most significant element is the aggregate idea of Epic Cash which is related with every one of the attributes that Aristotle portrays. Epic Cash gives people the best trade media that can scale and give the best an incentive to people.

Be a part of this incredible project, Visit the link below for more information :

Website : https://www.epic.tech/
Technical Whitepaper :https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/e1dfc6_9ed62a5660d1427aa6f1518c97fc3837.pdf
Business Whitepaper :https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/e1dfc6_6ae30e920bf54da48e0e14fb4d76566f.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/Epic04July2019
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EpicCashTech
Twitter : https://twitter.com/EpicCashTech
Linkedln : https://www.linkedin.com/company/epic-cash/

Author :
Bitcointalk Name : arsyah18
Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=952909
Eth Address: 0x0c834a0918dB4aF48591D442d747Ca542BBCa492