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RE: Anox Giveaway - 100 USD Worth Per Steemian!

in #eosio6 years ago

DUDE i cant believe i miussed this LOl is it with tippit tho? how did they affrod to give out $100 worth to everyone? Anyway imglad THATS over with :D we have BANJO now to give out ANXP with :D I helped get ANMX on Steem-engien and PSO so new we can send to eahc otehr a pegged ANX asset youc an dpeosit and withdraw and i was suprised when i wa son bloks.ioa nd i saw you on the richlist for ANX, i wa sliek ok nice, if kingscrown is up there, must be legit lol im also up high on teh richlist now, im sure peopel will find out itd oenst take much to get up pretty high

i have been buying everyday pumping ANX on newdex, i wanna buy up all teh cheap ANX on newdex and make people have to come to steem engine for ANX