Meet the eosDAC Сustodians сandidates!

in #eosdac6 years ago (edited)

As you already know, eosDAC Сustodian candidate voting is now live! Once we reach 15% of EOSDAC token holders voting for candidates, the DAC will be turned over to the top 12 voted custodian candidates via an automated permissions change on the dacauthority account.

As the manager of the eosDAC Russian community, I am often asked - Which candidate is the best to vote for?

In this post, I gathered together answers to the most frequently asked questions from the community (аnd one special question for the Russian audience), and our сandidates answered them honestly. I hope this will help you make the right choice!

Bài này có bản dịch bằng tiếng Việt: Gặp gỡ các ứng viên Người Giám Hộ eosDAC!

이 기사는 한국어로도 제공됩니다: [eosDAC 커스토디안 후보들은 만나보자! 1편] 스팀잇 증인! Luke Stokes : DAC를 가능케하는 오픈 소스 툴 구축을 통해 누구나 자신의 DAC를..

If you are a Custodian candidate and would like your opinion and answers to be presented in this post, please contact me and I will update this article.

Please do your part for our DAC by voting and by encouraging anyone else you know who holds eosDAC tokens to vote for custodians here:

EOSDAC holders have a say in the direction of our DAC through the candidates they vote for. Go and vote!

The list of candidates is in random order:

Luke Stokes

What is eosDAC for you and what possibilities it, in your opinion, can provide for all of us?

eosDAC is hope for a more voluntary, decentralized future. It's a real-world example of a community operating in a decentralzed, autonomous way to further decentralize the EOS block production ecosystem while also building the tools the world needs to launch their own DACs. Governments, corporations, non-profits and more will, with our help, transition to on-chain, transparent governance systems where everyone has a voice and effort is rewarded based on the value created. You can find more about my intial thoughts regardin eosDAC when I joined 9 months ago here.

What are the main problems you, as a possible Custodian, want to solve?

I see the primary role of a custodian as effectively approving or denying worker proposals and responding quickly to multisignature transactions which have to be signed by the custodians in order to keep the DAC functioning and ensure workers are rewarded for their efforts. My goals as a custodian will be to approve proposals that are in alignment with the original goals of eosDAC: 1) community-owned block production on EOS and 2) DAC Enabler building open source tools so anyone can launch their own DACs.

Will you represent the interests of any particular eosDAC community?

As I have done as a Steem Witness for years, I will represent the token holders while also providing strong leadership based on my 5.5+ years in the cryptocurrency space. A DAC is, at it's core, software (see With that in mind, I will use my technical experience (built my first websites in 1996, majored in computer science at UPENN, built my own tech company for ten years, etc) to ensure the DAC itself from a technical perspective is solid.

Do you have plans to pay dividends to members of the eosDAC from block production?

Possibly in the future, but no startup which expects to survive pays dividends during its earliest growth phase. We still have work to do to fulfill our original vision of being a top BP and DAC Enabler which will take effort from our community doing real work. That effort should be rewarded with value. I believe in building a strong, sustainable community which can be a leader on future EOSIO blockchains and provide consulting and expertise for the world looking to move to DACs in the future. I imagine there will be many revenue opportunities for the DAC in the future and, if and when we build that value, I can imagine a future where all the members can share in that value. First we have to build it though.

What do you think about Russia and have been here at least once?

I've worked with two fantastic individuals from Russia while building FoxyCart. I've seen the beautiful pictures they've shared and hope to visit them some day, though I haven't yet had the opportunity. I think Russia is an amazing country with a fascinating culture and a very strong people.

Andrew Furmanczyk

What is eosDAC for you and what possibilities it, in your opinion, can provide for all of us?

The most exciting thing about eosDAC is a future where we can have DACs providing services on EOS, which can make the world more open to everyone.

From myself I will add that Andrew is the author of an excellent video which I highly recommend to watch: What is DAC?
Do not forget to turn on subtitles, they are translated into all major languages!

What are the main problems you, as a possible Custodian, want to solve?

  • I want to increase communication, education, and openness of the DAC, so that the EOS community will see us providing more value and give us more votes.
  • List EOSDAC tokens on a larger exchange. BancorX perhaps?
  • Continue building our DAC Factory to enable more DACs on EOS
  • Find more revenue streams.

Will you represent the interests of any particular eosDAC community?

All eosDAC members should have their voices listened to. I will serve all members to the best of my ability.

Do you have plans to pay dividends to members of the eosDAC from block production?

Yes, if the members wish this to happen I will support 10% of DAC revenue being paid back out to eosDAC members.

What do you think about Russia and have been here at least once?

I've never been, but Russia has a strong history as a world leading nation. If possible, it would be nice to visit Russia one day to see the country.


What is eosDAC for you and what possibilities it, in your opinion, can provide for all of us?

DAC(decentralized autonomous community) is core concept of EOS.
and community is one of the most important factors in EOS.
as I worked for EOS BP in Korea, I always thought and communicated about the community & Token holder.
I always have been working with a community-centered mindset for the community.
I think the eosDAC is a great project to make the concept of 'decentralized autonomous community'.
For this reason, I have decided to run for the Custodian.

Having been working as an EOS supporter when EOS ICO was on the run, I could make myself known one of the most leading EOS influencer in South Korea through successful delivery of the content that I made.
I created highly efficient contents related to EOS by organizing and operating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, simply known as DAO, through recruiting competent EOS holders from various sectors, such as banking, sociology, humanities, as well as developers.
My name was recorded in the 'Core Community Evolution' where selective people in the Korean EOS community who contributed to the launching for EOS blockchain is recorded.
I successfully achieved the biggest community for an EOS BP/Dapp in Korea.
I also built an [CREAMer] EOS news channel and the about 5,000 subscribers have been informed in terms of both international and domestic EOS related news.
Currently, as a freelancer, I have been working on a project called C.C.O (CREAMer Co-work Offering) with various partners with the purpose of expanding the ecosystem of EOS and its blockchain technology.

Based on this experience,The following is part of my Pledge.

1.Building EOS DAC ecosystem and community expansion through strategic planning with a production of EOS DAC related contents with visual aids.
2.Contributing EOS DAC based on working experience with the BP candidate (community building, content development, market analysis, and statistics, etc.)
3.Distributing EOS DAC news updates through the EOS news channel with more than 5000 subscribers, Steemit channel with more than 2000 followers, and as well as YouTube channel.
4.Proceeding potential partnerships with EOS DAC (Dapp, Exchange, BP, ETC)

What are the main problems you, as a possible Custodian, want to solve?

One of the problems I want to solve is expanding the utility of the eosDAC token.
current utility of the eosDAC token is very limited. (Just voting)
I recently joined the Everipedia Korean team. Everipedia recently announced a utility extension that would enable their IQ tokens to be used in multiple dApps. I was very impressed by this announcement.

I want to extend the utility of the eosDAC token so that the eosDAC can also be used for other DACs or Dapps.

And I want to see the eosDAC that the community complete the concept of DAC.

Will you represent the interests of any particular eosDAC community?

I am not representing the interests of any particular community.

I represent the interests of all eosDAC holders.
So far, South Korea's eosDAC holders have not been treated properly.
Korea's eosDAC holders are also part of all eosDAC holders.
So I will help communication between Korean community holders and eosDAC holders around the world.
On the contrary, I would speak for other foreign eosDAC holders if they were not properly treated.
I repeat that I will represent the interests of all eosDAC holders.

Do you have plans to pay dividends to members of the eosDAC from block production?

EosDAC's daily BP Reward is 344EOS. (2019.01.16)
Distributing this to the holders of the votes will result in a dividend of 0.00002293EOS per eosDAC.
I don't know if this is a significant profit.
(This calculation is also where all BP Rewards have been distributed. It is further reduced except for server and other costs. But sharing a certain amount is likely to help improve voter turnout.)
The distribution of profits is essential.
but I think we need a more fundamental solution.

What do you think about Russia and have been here at least once?

I have never been to Russia but I really want to go there.I have a close brother who does music and his girlfriend is Russian. So, we recently had a drink together, and it was a very pleasant experience. Thanks to that experience, I have a good impression on the Russian.I heard that Russian men are tough and women are beautiful !
And I think the Russian building is really beautiful.
(It also appears in the Tetris background :)

Michael Yeates

What is eosDAC for you and what possibilities it, in your opinion, can provide for all of us?

I think DACs are a completely new way of doing business which rewards those who contribute the most. In the future I hope that we can make a DAC a legitimate entity and that they will be the main drivers of innovation on the EOS network and will drive value to the underlying token.

What are the main problems you, as a possible Custodian, want to solve?

At the moment I am thinking a lot about how DACs will communicate with the outside world and about how we can work together, even if we do not totally agree. Not being able to make a decision as a DAC would be worse than making bad decisions.

Will you represent the interests of any particular eosDAC community?

No, I will look at the needs of eosDAC and try to provide what it needs to help everyone. We need to bring all of the eosDAC communities together as much as possible.

Do you have plans to pay dividends to members of the eosDAC from block production?

Personally I think this would be a good idea but it is unclear yet if the dividends will come from EOS block production only or if we will have many sources of income. My first priority would be to increase the value of the DAC but if there is a case for returning some excessive funds then I would approve it. eosDAC is still starting (only 6 months old) so there are not a huge amount of extra revenue to pay back yet.

What do you think about Russia and have been here at least once?

I have never been to Russia but I have spent a lot of tim in the Baltic region. Some of my family are Russians and I love their warmth and commitment to family. I do plan to visit St Petersberg soon and hopefully Moscow too.

SungHwan Won

What is eosDAC for you and what possibilities it, in your opinion, can provide for all of us?

I think DAC will be decentralized collaboration organization for the work and it will be new form & new ways of working of the corporation. Now eosDAC is running on EOS chain successfully and it will be an exemplar of other DACs for the future.

What are the main problems you, as a possible Custodian, want to solve?

One of the biggest problem we have right now is lack of solid communication to the community. Important decisions have been informed on Steemit post but it is not enough for community members to understand the decisions, and why they are made. We have comms managers in each language channel so we can communicate it better.

Will you represent the interests of any particular eosDAC community?

No I will work as a servant for eosDAC token holders and community. I believe one of the important role of Custodian is to engage community members to make a DAC together as much as possible.

Do you have plans to pay dividends to members of the eosDAC from block production?

Definitely. But right now, we are still on starting point so it will take some time to pay dividends to community members. We are getting paid by EOS and WBI for block production and it will be increased more and more. Also, there could be another revenue for providing toolkit, knowhow and consulting to other DACs or organization so we can pay dividends to community members.

What do you think about Russia and have been here at least once?

I never been to Russia but my elder sister’s husband were working for LG RUSSIA as one of presidents so I have been interested in Russia. My first impression is Russia is the biggest country in the world, well known for Gymnastics and great literature works because of Dostoevskii, Tolstoy, etc… If there is a chance, I would like to visit Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Rob Allen

What is eosDAC for you and what possibilities it, in your opinion, can provide for all of us?

Blockchain technology is foundational - it allows for decentralised trust and this means that people can work together in ways which were too complex or unworkable before such as decentralised autonomous communities. It also allows assets to be tokenised and this opens up a new way of thinking about ownership of all things. eosDAC is part of the infrastructure within the eosio blockchain ecosystem in the same way early ISPs where part of the early internet infrastructure. If the eosio ecosystem grows (which one would expect with over $1 billion in VC ready to be aimed) it gives huge opportunities for infrastructure organisations to develop alongside it. Beyond this eosDAC is a great way to enable new DACs and give eosDAC members the power to get in on the ground floor of new DACs.

What are the main problems you, as a possible Custodian, want to solve?

From a legal and regulatory standpoint, DACs need overly complex structures to avoid unacceptable liability to members. This limits other groups setting up DACs using our tools and gives eosDAC significant overheads. We need to continually look at ways to improve this situation and monitor new developments in this space.

From a eosDAC development perspective eosDAC still needs an on chain worker proposal system.

eosDAC also needs more revenue - Block production is not as rewarding as it was expected to be back when the DAC was conceptualised. This means alternative sources of revenue need to identified, plans proposed and investments made.

From an eosio ecosystem perspective, the current EOS Mainnet has issues related to CPU which limit its scale and a constitution which has several unworkable elements. We need to continue to work with the eosio community to improve this situation.

Will you represent the interests of any particular eosDAC community?

I will represent the interests of members over holders but I believe in the eosDAC core principles. I will also campaign for fair treatment of people who make efforts to increase the true value of eosDAC.

Do you have plans to pay dividends to members of the eosDAC from block production?

No, but I will give any proposals submitted due consideration.

What do you think about Russia and have been here at least once?

Never been to Russia, however I have met many Russians and I have a lot of respect for Russia and its people.

Soyoung Kim

What is eosDAC for you and what possibilities it, in your opinion, can provide for all of us?

I, as a holder, part of launch team and one of many workers and one of Custodian candidates, want eosDAC to succeed in convincing the world that there is a new way of doing business which works better than the existing organisational structures, proving how transparency and fairness can also increase efficiency and pioneering its way until some jurisdiction recognises the DAC as a legal entity itself. From then on it will make things much easier for DACs.

What are the main problems you, as a possible Custodian, want to solve?

I’d like to improve communications and mutual understandings between the different groups of members, so that their interests are well-aligned: Custodians - Workers, Custodians - Members, Workers - Members, Custodians - Custodians. Another I am interested in is doing a self-assessment time to time to redistribute its resources. Find out what eosDAC has been excellent at and therefore focus on, and which areas eosDAC can improve.

Will you represent the interests of any particular eosDAC community?

I don’t think I will want to represent a ‘particular eosDAC community’, but the community as a whole. I’d be definitely more interested in listening to as many voices as possible, and I’d share them with the Custodians before they make a decision.

Do you have plans to pay dividends to members of the eosDAC from block production?

I do not have specific plans for dividends at the moment. I however will support the idea when eosDAC has enough reserves for the activities it needs/wants to support. I am more interested in creating a talent pool or/and engagement (such as voting for Custodians, participating in content creation/community building) pool of some sort, so we reward people for their contribution to the DAC.

What do you think about Russia and have been here at least once?

I have not yet been to Russia. I wish to visit at some point in my life, hopefully when two Koreas are reunified and I take the longest train journey from Korea to Mongolia to all over Russia :) I have a very personal interest in this Russian writer (and many other occupations...) called Eduard Limonov, it would be nice to learn more about him during the trip. I heard many Russians are involved in the crypto space, so I hope to see the eosDAC Russian community grow stronger. Since I work closely with Prokhor, I am certain his endeavour will soon come to fruition.

Thanks to all the Candidates for taking the time to answer the questions! The post will be updated as new responses become available!

If you are a Custodian candidate and would like your opinion and answers to be presented in this post, please contact me and I will update this article.

Prokhor Borisov

Please vote for eosdacserver

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