I predicted EOS will rise, now it is 5$! My next forecast.

in #eos8 years ago

"I told you so"




Just follow me guys, when I get good tips about 100% certain investing opportunities, I will share them with you!
I'm not reading from tea leaves as someone mocked me in the comments ( feeling stupid now? ), I work with the technology and I know what I'm talking about.

My forecast for EOS?

You can still buy it, I'm sure its price will rampage way above the 20$ mark. Wait for a flash crash if you are late for the party to join in and don't panic sell when there is one!


same feeling here :) still got time.

Great to see people who notice the opportunity ;)

Someone asked a question that made me think: what does EOS do that ETH won't agree to do in the near future, since EOS is based on ETH? Sounds like EOS is a lot about wishful thinking, and smells a bit fishy. If I were to invest I'd invest an amount I wouldn't cry over if I lost it, lol.

"Based on" doesn't mean it is the same system. A meal based on chicken can take the form of chicken nuggets, chicken in curry sauce, chicken wings, etc.

What about the price bought in period #2 @$6.05?

What about it? What are you saying? It seems pretty clear it is the price at which EOS closed on period 2. Now we are in period 3.