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RE: The limits of knowledge - why we don't know enough about blockchain

in #eos7 years ago

another very useful concept of Scott Adams is that of the talent stack .
I think that is going to be really crucial to succeed in complex fields.
The idea is that up until recently specialisation was seen as the way to succeed. That is how you could define an expert: "someone who has made all possible mistakes in a very narrow field"
The problem is that in a rapidly changing environment, the field which might have been useful might become either commoditized or obsolete. So you wasted your time to learn about something that after a while ceases to be valuable.

The idea of the talent stack is to develop a combination of skills, and in each skill get "good enough" or say about better than 90% of the population. That is actually not so difficult.
Now the trick is to combine these skills with other skills so their sum becomes more valuable than the skills would be apart.
Say you know about and have been using it with moderate success (a couple of thousand subscriptions). You are better than 90 % of the youtube population (easily). But given that Youtube is unbelievably competitive, making a living off it purely through views requires you to be better than about 99.99% of the population (being charitable and saying 1/10000 is making a living of Youtube) @allasyummyfood posted about working 4 years to get 67k followers on youtube and 400 videos and making 100 USD/ a month from them).

But what if you also have some moderate programming skills? What if you are one of the few on already and are decent at posting? What if you know the basics of video editing? What if you start to take a writing class and hone your editing? What if you start to practice public speaking (say go to toastmasters meetings). What if you simply love talking about investing in cryptocurrency and are obsessed with it?

In the first option, trying to beat Youtube, (be better than say 99.999% of the population) is not that promising.
In the second option, through combining all these mediocre skills you become someone unique, that might be uniquely suited to explain others how to make simple bots on (just a random example) and market that!

Every skill you can add to that stack (that combines with it not just any random skill) will set you further apart and make you uniquely qualified not because you are the expert or the best but because of your unique talent stack.
As a risk management strategy that is interesting too because it allows you to adapt. If you are investing all your time in honing one particular skill, the risk is that there is too much competition or that this skill loses value. (look at website design or something 15 years ago and now...)

for Financial Cryptography I think you have to accept that being the absolute expert in one discipline is not as useful as having a more versatile talentstack.
Of course already being an expert in one valuable field and then building useful skills around that is really promising...


We really need a bookmarking feature on steemit

That's a great response - you should make it a blog post!

That thought occurred to me :)
It is in my cue! Currently developing several ideas about how to adapt to the future idea economy as a "standard knowledge economy professional" There is a lot and I need to clarify my messages! Will reply here when it is finished!