Bad Actors, Human Nature and Blockchain

in #eos5 years ago (edited)

Hey there, first time posting here, be kind :)

So, I have been devouring learning materials about EOS and EOSIO for the past couple of months, I must say I am a firm believer that Blockchain Information Technology is the future, in the way it handles data plus all the benefits and changes it brings, I´m sure you all know what I´m talking about.

But then Mr Larimer and company went ahead and proposed a series of revolutionary changes in the way blockchain technologies are being used and he said in one of his videos that he wants to remove bad actors from governance, while keeping the selected few honest, public and competing for the overall wellbeing of the ecosystem, anyone risks losing tons of money if they try to do something unethical or corrupt.

If you look at human behavior in say, presidential elections or any sort of need for general consensus in the population, you will see that there are people that will not bother in casting their vote, some will not care enough, others will spoil or void theirs, but most importantly people can be manipulated into voting for something they do not understand if they are gullible or believe lies they´ve been told to. It is humanly impossible to get 100% of conscious participation in a consensus for every decision, every time, you can´t engage the complete population and it´s easy to infiltrate the common folk minds with deception.

Hierarchies come to exist very naturally in the world, for better or worse, pyramids of any sorts are made and born, and it´s the same with human behavior, so the select few make decisions for the rest. For what I have seen EOS is not against governance, but instead it has a series of rules and processes which make sure to remove any bad actors and a community competing for the wellbeing of the entire ecosystem, to me that is like solving a very human problem with technology, which is what we have been doing ever since we discovered fire.

To me, if blockchain is the future, EOS would be the future of the future, decentralization made effective and faster by delegating the responsibility of choice to a group of block producers selected constantly by the complete majority and in a constant effort to improve, sustain and protect the ecosystem, not by trusting they are good, but by making sure corruption is detected and removed instantly and loosing all stakes in the game, this is not a violent approach, but a smart one.

I see the future of human kind as a bright one, after the turmoil that comes with change and resistance, this goes above and beyond handling of data, EOS is becoming our Hercules, to slay the Hydra of corruption, a many-headed snake whose heads grew again as they were cut off. It is impossible to remove all bad actors from society, but we now have a proven system which could help us remove and cauterize every new head of the hydra as soon as it is growing or preventing it from even being grown at all.

What do you think about EOS approach? Do you know of any other companies trying to improve the speed and decrease the resources needed for a blockchain network? I´d love to read your thoughts. Thanks!


Since corruption is such a prevalent part of human nature, it could be better to create an environment where cheating is simply not good business. Dan Larimer proposal of inflating non-voting tokens could be a solution, even though it de-incentivize the democratic process. You would need to choose between control or profit.

Indeed, there is still room for improvement and this technology is evolving rapidly, what a time to be alive!