Is EOS good for you?

in #eos7 years ago


I was talking with @kyriacos who pointed out something that I kind of believed myself and even Dan said this at one point. That we should all be personally very very interested in EOS being HUGE. You, by reading this here, should be personally very attached to this project.
How's that?!
Basically, if EOS goes to the moon it might hitch STEEM with it, maybe even bts. It might not, but I think it is possible that we'll see a lot of benefits. Maybe people will actually wake up to our blockchain that, sincerily, is like the beautiful girl you don't notice in high0school because you only had eyes for that BiTCh next door who never spends time with you or maybe that new girl: ETHel.
By the time you hit adulthood you ran into STEEM and are like: "DAMN!".
It's time for more people to see this.
EOS might help.
EOS might itself be an amazing project.

Or will it?!

I see a lot of hype on EOS these days. Everyone and their mother want to get in the ICO, get some EOS, get rich! That's all good and dandy - especially for the success of the project - but I am not sure that most people understand why. Is EOS really something interesting or just another pump and maybe dump type of project?
Should we all go ga-ga over it just because Dan is the (genius) mind behind it?

I'm trying to answer a few of these questions and because I am not a dev, I invited @nadejde to help me out with a few clarifications. Now, @nadejde is friend of mine, recently seen the light of the blockchain and it is currently what I can only descriebe as an EOS-maximalist. It might be a little ironic that you can be that, given EOS does not exist yet but there you have it. Still, it got me thinking on the "why". After all, this guy is not stupid so he must have some good reasons, right?

He wrote a pretty good post explaining his view on EOS, which I invite you to check out if you care and we're trying to get to the bottom on a few more key features of EOS in this post. As always, I try to bring YOU to speed, digging deep to the essence of a project and trying to get beyond the buzzwords and techy terms that bring - to me - not much clarity.

I'm trying to look at this from two points of view: What can EOS do for a dev ( which are big fans of ) and what can EOS do for the user ( which are incredibly important for the succes of a project). Now all this is not as clear cut as it seems...a good dev can and will bring a very well done project on EOS and the user needs not understand anything but actually enjoy using it. It's how the internet works don't need to know html to use an e-mail, right?

Maybe ultimately, EOS will be won and lost on how many devs see its potential and embrace it, build apps on it etc. Still, let's look at those advantages.
@nadejde, take it from here!


Hey guys, I wrote this little 101 on how I see this eos from a dev perspective. Feel free to ask more in the comments and I hope you find it useful.

Named accounts and powerful permission schemes
Why this is good for devs:
Named accounts makes my app more readily available to people who have not been exposed to any cryptography yet. That is great. I want as many people as I can get on it. The complex permission scheme is also very good. I get out of the box built in access control and security that I can leverage in the app directly without needing to write more code.
Why this is good for users:
Users don’t need to know much about cryptography. Not in the beginning anyway (you should ease them into the concepts gradually though. We do want to educate them). They can get a username and a password just like they’re used to in the rest of the the internet and be on their way.Basically, a lot like we do here on Steemit.

Account recovery
Why this is good for devs:
Not really impacting me a lot as a dev, except perhaps my users will be more inclined to use an app that lets them change their password or recover their account if they forget it. Lets face it. No one wants to have support tickets of people losing their access raging on forums and spilling bad press.
Why this is good for users:
Changing your password and being able to get even even if you get locked out is great! When is the last time you used an app that did not have this built in? I mean seriously the private key thing is great for geeks but my grandma will probably just stick with whatevershelikesthesedays (sic)

Account security
Why this is good for devs:
I get the option to build time delays into everything that is sensitive in nature. That is excellent as I can now notify my users when transactions take place and give them the chance to step in and reverse potential unauthorized actions on their account.
Why is this good for users:
Account hacking protection helps you sleep better. No chance of waking up one day with everything gone and nothing you can do about it. Make sure to get a buddy that can help you out of a jam! This is nothing new and lots of state of the art apps employ these kind of techniques.

No transaction fees
Why this is good for devs:
I can have free apps for my users without having to worry about gas management, reimbursements and abuse protection. The model of holding stake to get access to resources is also good as I can start with very little while my app is small and just scale up as my user base grows just by securing more EOS.
Why this is good for users:
Nobody wants to pay a little bit for whatever they do. Users are used to things being mostly “free” on the internet. Charging them a little bit for anything they want to do will probably scare away most people. People are not ready for this. Sounds good in theory but as long as money is money very few people will go for the microtransactions. Perhaps in the future:)

Upgradable code
Why this is good for devs:
This is an awesome feature and maybe the best one...I can build my app in an incremental, agile fashion without having to worry about the costs of a new version for my app. No code is perfect and there will be bugs. I can’t build my app like you build a train or a car as I don’t have the billions to spend on R&D and QA. Nor do I have the time to do all that. I need my product out there and I need to be able to quickly adjust to what my users need.

Why this is good for users:
Getting requested features quickly and without any hustle is good for me as a user. I don’t like buggy apps either. Immutable code is a nice idea but lets face it how many regular people will review the code before using an app? That is really not a thing:)

Why this is good for devs:
I can support a lot of users without having to worry about queues or my app being unresponsive. I don’t have to hack extensions and other external systems to get things to run smooth. I’ve grown accustomed to this kind of smooth running services I don’t want to go back 10 years ago just so I can develop on the blockchain.

Why this is good for users:
When I click on something it instantly happens. That’s what I’m used to and that's what I like! Haven’t waited more then a couple of secconds for something to happen since dialup. NOT GOING BACK!

That's it from me guys, I let Raz to wrap it up but again, don't hesitate to ask questions, I'll check the comments!

Look at this list, it seems to be that it's all about "less friction" between the blockchain and the users. Which is great, we want fast, reliable, simple ways to use the blockchain and its apps. Sometimes, it is very difficult and hard to explain and most people will stay away just because the mental effort it's too much. Either force them or seduce them :)

And look, STEEMIT has a lot in common with EOS. Who knew we were on the blockchain? I mean, we KNEW, but who knew what IT MEANS? We were all seduced by a new way, and in one year, transformed into cryptoheads ( or specialists :P ) by natural progression. EOS will do the same for everyone. In time. Or at least, that's te promise. Maybe.

I am a cynic ( another side-effect of roaming through the crypto-world ) but also a believer in the potential of the blockchain. These two directions clash and in this case...let's just say I'm casually optimistical about this project!
But first, let's see more code and see how the ICO goes and give it time :)

I'll see you next time!


Great post man. I believe even if EOS does not work, Steemit will get attention. Like we talked before, very few people know about the power of Steemit and what it really entails. It is a self-sustained economy. I don't think any other blockchain has done this. Steemit will take off soon.

yes, and coming from you and me, who are fairly skeptical in nature, I agree with you completely. The HF 19 resolved the last remaining problem for mass adoption.
It is now just a matter of time. Mars.

My profile picture is Aphrodite. I am aiming a bit further :P

Thanks a lot. For sure, I hope you are right. But there are other scenarios possible, maybe EOS will just eat up bts and steemit. Who knows?
Time will tell, but I like it here...

I just realized the power of Steemit and it's hard to contain myself!

EOS should have a Turn key Button to convert any Ethereum DAPP to EOS DAPP in one click. :)

The Whitepaper does mention that execution of Solidity code might be possible. So might happen!

we definitely need that

Excellent post thank you. I try to learn about EOS as much as I can and this information was very helpful.

What a great article, it is time to share for the benefit of us all! Thanks a lot for exposing this information and giving EOS such a well deserved pedestal.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Eos for the moment is a mystery. As soon​ as possible we need more​ information. But I​ think can be the next ethereum

Everyone want to be the next ETH!! :))

Right now no one wants to be the next ETH :) price dip... and network congestion... (26 June 2017)

You don't need me to resteem you but I did it anyway. I am going to look deep into EOS.

With predicted 50,000 transactions per second, nobody can compete with EOS at this stage in terms of volume of transactions it can handle with almost no fee.

"predicted". :)

wow, that is a good stat to know.
so, the ETH crowd, it got popular but once EOS is known, it will be able to outperform Ethereum? Is that true?

EOS has the potential to outperform ETH, as it has been being developed using the most advanced technologies using Wren programming language and embraced Web Assembly.It is a game changer, it will enable high performance web applications

EOS seems will get rid of many barriers that are taking off most users from blockchains

that's the plan, isn't it?!?!

yep, this is exciting times to live

There's no way to invest in this yet? It really sounds like the best coin in a while!

Only test ICO running at the moment. Subscribe to newsletter for updates. Actuall ICO was promissed to be SOON

Wasn't the promise of BitShares from 2014 that if you held tokens at particular snapshot milestones that you would get a stake in ALL future projects?

possibly the future bts-based projects...