I believe ETH had a similar disclaimer in their crowdsale, it would be foolish not to. I'm trying to understand if you actually don't see how EOS tokens are a share of network bandwidth or if you think the legal disclaimer is some kind of orthogonal risk.
Also do you realize you are posting on a platform developed by the same devs? Steem team didn't want to develop a contract VM so Dan and others left to make the POC you see on their github.
I understand that block.one will develop the software but will NOT initialise an EOS blockchain themselves. They leave it up to others to use the software. So if a company will use it, they will name it in whatever way they like and will generate their own tokens with another name. This new tokens will represent a share of bandwidh or computational power on the new blockchain of that company.
See the FAQ page of eos.io, point 21:
As block.one will not configure and/or launch any EOS Platform, block.one will have no control over when, how or whether the EOS.IO Software is adopted or implemented, or how, when or whether the EOS Platform is launched. As such, you should not expect and there is no guarantee that you will receive any other cryptographic tokens or digital assets now or in the future.
I did know that I was posting on a platform developed by the same devs, but I hadn't expected Dan to downvote my post, so now it is no longer visible.