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RE: How to move from MetaMask to MyEtherWallet

in #eos8 years ago (edited)

Mind sharing your research showing why you believe either of these services to be vulnerability free? I'm a software developer and that statement kind of makes me cringe a little. Your average user will not know the first thing about code. Hell even most experienced "power users" wouldn't know the first thing of how to vet the security of an open source application.

With that nitpick out of the way, I personally find myetherwallet to have been less transparent about their actions than anyone else as of late and I have been spending my time teaching people how to use parity instead of using some third party connection to the block chain.

Also, during the Status ICO myetherwallet displayed a blatant lie to it's users and never apologized or made a statement about their reasoning.


Great post this is.. EOS i going to MOON in next 15 days.. Must check this

My research is in the source code. You can do offline signing and never expose your private keys if needed. As it says above "...MyEtherWallet may be more accessible for advanced users."

There is no indication of foul play in the the source code of MEW. Trusting the server is never a great idea, so you can download it and run locally if in a state of paranoia. If we judged the software of crypto based on minor grievances related to someone's character, crypto would be in the sewer because most everyone in crypto is an arrogant, flawed human.

If a user doesn't read the instructions, which include the phrases "advanced user," do your own research and an all caps disclaimer, then they shouldn't be messing with cryptocurrency in the first place.

Parity is definitely the ideal alternative, but it's also clunky and has an incredibly high bar of entry and not everybody wants to download the blockchain. Please continue educating the users on parity however, in the meantime, I've helped around ~500 people successfully participate in this ICO directly and around 10k through articles successfully obtain tokens.

Regarding the Status ICO message, yeah, that pissed me off too. But sometimes when you're herding 20k cats to save them from themselves, you've gotta wave a little tassel, even if that tassel is a lie.

I definitely could have handled this situation more calmly and strategically. The primary argument of this user was that the original language used in this article was misleading, but instead of communicating it as such, took what is in my opinion an aggressive and hostile approach. This user originally found meaning where there was none, in no revisions of this article did I explicitly claim I had research to support an argument that MEW was void of vulnerability.

My first mistake was not reading his initial comment closely enough, as this could have been mitigated from the start. Basically, I dug myself in a hole by not explicitly claiming that my research is my own and I have a philosophy of personal responsibility instead of claiming "the source code is my research", a response that is suitable only if personal responsibility precedes it.

My second mistake was being reactive as result of a poor emotional state resulting from dealing with an influx of trolls in the EOS Telegram combined with sleep deprivation related to a work contract.

With every bit of feedback this user provided, the language of the article was made more and more concise to address his concerns, resulting in a more comprehensive article on the subject.. So for that, I thank him.

However, this is a new user who is primarily weighted by purchased Steem, is flagrantly abusing Steemit flagging and self-voting for purposes of visibility dominance a.k.a narrative control. While this has practical applications, I do not believe this is one of them. As a community it would be my opinion we should not stand for these various abuses of the system to ensure long-term health of the network. It's of far more value to the network to see me make an ass out of myself, than to allow someone to exercise unchecked flag abuse. Allowing this to go unchecked sets the precedent that this type of behavior is tolerated.

Let's be fair. You can't link the source code and call that research. I'm more than fully aware of it being open source on the GitHub, but you cannot verify the server is running that version.

Nor can pretty much any normal user gather any information from the source code. Advanced user and all that doesn't touch on the level of experience required to verify source code.

You can hope more experienced users have done so, but that was why I was asking (not accusing) if you have done research to provide with the claims that the source code is somehow vulnerability free (there is likely very little code that is truly vulnerability free).

Not picking a fight, just saying that MyEtherWallet has done some shady practices in the past. It is good to have how to articles though so your main post is of course valuable.

Edit: oh i see your edit now. Congratulations on the internet gloating I guess on your super numbers for helping others invest in an ICO that had every single necessary instruction on their own website right alongside the information I would have advised likely investors to read. Take care bud.

This is crypto, do your own research. Trust no one.

Not gloating, I am outlining that I have been in telegram helping people for over a week, several hours a day, and that includes with parity, as well. You tell me I'm gloating, but you're the one draining the reward pool with voting bots

You're rather antagonistic for someone who isn't picking a fight.

@good-karma, could you be more selective with those you give power please?

You are ridiculous. Lmao.

Just quit telling people software you don't posess the ability to vet is vulnerability free.

Bold text doesn't make it more scary

Btw I see you flagged my comment. If you are just salty j flagged yours, you should know you got flagged for tagging another unrelated user simply because I'm posting via esteem. What is your reasoning for flagging besides just wanting "revenge

Btw I see you flagged my comment. If you are just salty j flagged yours, you should know you got flagged for tagging another unrelated user simply because I'm posting via esteem. What is your reasoning for flagging besides just wanting "revenge

No revenge, you're a hostile Steemian and thus, devalue the network. Because of this, I flagged your hostile comments. You could have expressed yourself in a more healthy manner, but chose not to. As a hostile commentator, the author of esteem should probably be aware of who they are sponsoring with votes. But ultimately, it's up to @good-karma who he would like representing esteem. On the other side, I upvoted one of your posts I enjoyed, even though it's no longer in the reward period. That is my form of revenge.

Go thru the comments and see which individual is offering up insults. I'll wait.

Feel free to edit them out if you'd prefer.

Maybe you can self vote to counteract the effect.

I couldn't find a single insult.

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... You're a waste of time. Maybe contribute something for once, instead of spending so much time bringing people down. It will probably work out better for you.

Actually I do, but it's not my responsibility to do so. Nor do I have time. You're welcome to however! And I'll even link to it, even though you interact like a petulant child.

And I never told them it was vulnerability free nor was it implied. I asked them to DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH TO MAKE SURE A WALLET IS VULNERABILITY FREE

Always do plenty of research on a wallet before you drop a private key into it, and make sure it's secure and is void of vulnerabilities.

You should probably stop looking for things that aren't there.

Ok we are done here since you just want to argue. But your implication of that comment while recommending people use MEW is that it is "void of vulnerabilities"

You're the one who is argumentative, not to mention antagonistic and arrogant. There's no implication. The emphasis of that sentence is Always do plenty of research on a wallet before you drop a private key into it. I've progressively clarified based on your feedback, hopefully it appeases you. Thanks for bringing it to my attention that it wasn't clear enough.