EOSIO Dawn 4.1 released by Block.One (2 Weeks to Go)
The latest beta release brings us closer to EOS.io version 1.0 which is scheduled for June 1st with a June 2nd launch!!!

Release notes from Github HERE
Also, take a look at the Jungle3 EOS Test-Network Monitor HERE. It's so much faster than even BitShares & Steemit. If you don't see how this is a major game changer for crypto and potentially the App Economy, I don't know what to tell you.
From the Github Release notes:
Notable Updates
We continue to squash bugs and improve stability. We’ve fixed issues relating to general network stability, duplicate transactions spamming the network, nodes failing to propagate transactions in some instances, and others.
Bringing a Failed Node Back Online
We have enhanced nodeos to persist accepted but reversible blocks (#3140). This greatly improves the startup time for nodes to come back online and resync.
Command Line Tool Improvements
The command line tool cleos is now able to output the full list of producers (#2933). Note that you can paginate results and that they’re sorted by vote.
Quality Name Distribution & Namespaces
Of particular note in this release is the restriction of account names to exactly 12 characters with no periods/dots (“.”). This is change is in an attempt to discourage name squatting. Dan is requesting community feedback for his proposal regarding name distribution via GitHub (#3189).
Renaming of the Core Token
Please be aware that we have changed the name of the token symbol from “EOS” to “SYS”. If you would like to change the name to something different, check CORE_SYMBOL_NAME in the “CMakeLists.txt” file.
BIOS Boot Process Tutorial
There is now a script that demonstrates the steps necessary to boot an EOSIO network along with a detailed tutorial (https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/tree/master/programs/bios-boot-tutorial). We will be adding additional steps to this script and tutorial in the coming week related to upgrading the eosio.system and eosio.token contracts via the producers using multi-sig.
Our internal testnets are running strong. We’ve been happily watching multiple community testnets and we are proud of the work that we see there. Of particular note is the EOS Jungle Testnet (http://dev.cryptolions.io) which has been running an earlier build (DAWN-2018-05-16) for the last few days and has participation from over 70 nodes. Watch for more updates on the EOSIO Community Testnet (https://t.me/CommunityTestnet) Telegram group.
We are preparing a new tool for protecting RPC-API endpoints from abuse. We are calling it Patroneos because it keeps the Dementors soul sucking spammers at bay. Behaviors that we’re currently watching out for are things such as repeated, invalid JSON payloads, signature spam, blacklisted contracts, and oversized transaction payloads.
We’ve been developing this tool in-house and will be releasing more information to the community in the near future. Keep an eye out for this one.
Future Releases
We plan one more pre-release (Dawn 4.2) next Friday May 25th and we’re on target for the EOSIO Version 1.0 release on June 1st. You can follow the issues that we are committed to working on over the next few weeks by observing the Version 1.0 milestone (https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/milestone/10) in GitHub.
I am Lord @matthewwarn and I have Stackitis...but there are worse problems to have in life...like not owning any EOS.

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They are working their butts off! Great news! I bought into another project yesterday that I think is gonna be big and that’s HKN.
It sure seems like it! I'll check out HKN as well
If you're waiting for such a huge opportunity, waiting for 2 weeks is like Hell! I thought having job is the most stressful one but waiting for days in crypto is even worse.
Yeah, its like adult Christmas...I'm driving my wife nuts
What is the purpose of renaming the symbol from “EOS” to “SYS”
Isn't that the same as Syscoin?
Yeah...they just kinda dropped that in there without explanation...I sent an email to a block producer candidate I met a few weeks ago and asked him that same question. I'm not sure if its just internal, or if it will change the public symbol as well.
More great news for the biggest project in crypto right now. We just need the launch to go successful and start using the dApps running on it.
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
Im fairly new to Steem, but I enjoy your posts, im a fellow stacker and EOS fan. Check out my recent post. https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@amberlamps/why-eos-can-pull-an-eth-in-2018
Good news. With this new, i think the price of EOS will soon go up strong in a few week.
Acabas de ponerme muy ansioso amigo Jajaja :D