
Jesus christ EOS is the most shilled crypto in a while. It has been a disaster of a launch for a cryptocurrency which raised the maximum ICO at the time of writing with more than 4 Billion USD. It is governed by just a few people who fix things in conference calls and that some have power over other thus governing the blockchain. A blockchain that was supposed to be DECENTRALIZED. How can a blockchain with the motto "Decentralize Everything" be governed by just a handful of people who NOBODY chose? It's just pure comedy what EOS has come to be, without A SINGLE PRACTICAL USE CASE.

Pretty sad , you have to troll instead of giving constructive cristism, yeah is far from perfect we all have to ship in.

Posted using Partiko Android

I like how people easily use the word "troll" for things they just don't like. All above was criticism, and it is constructive if it is fixed, it's that easy. Not trolling, just criticism with arguments, learn to take it.

Yeah great to see BP's step up to the plate and take action.. Not everybody is as smart as you are so they got screwed by some idiots..Why you hating??

Posted using Partiko Android

No hate. Just saying the a network that went with the motto "Decentralize Everything" is probably one of the more centralized ones there is. And thats just that.

Fair enough is definitely not decentralized as some of us would like for sure...IMO Bitfinex is the big elephant in the room ..

Posted using Partiko Android

Sad to see so many trolls

Posted using Partiko Android

How has the launch been a disaster. The launch was smooth asf and everything is currently working just fine.

EOS is operating with 0.5 second blocktimes and 0 fees - already it is a game changer.

Are you serious? Please read before posting, it has already been answered. The actual mainnet launch and swap was postponed A PLETHORA of times, and froze for a whole day when bugs were found, and now funds are frozen because a few people said so.

Having less blocktime and zero fees doesn't make a cryptocurrency any better than others. There are already cryptocurrencies with less blocktime and no fees. It doesnt make it better than others, it's just another shitshilled coin which will disappear in no time when people actually realize its totally worthless.

The launching was never postponed - there was no date to when the mainnet would be launch. The only date set was the date where the software would be fully built.

'froze for a whole day when bugs were found'
It was frozen for a few hours. EOS found a bug, immediately froze the chain and came up with a solution in a matter of hours - no other blockchain can do it that fast. If an error turned up in ethereum - no doubt it would be a long process and would involve a hardfork.

'Having less blocktime and zero fees doesn't make a cryptocurrency any better than others.'
Erm yes it does.
'There are already cryptocurrencies with less blocktime and no fees'
There are no other blockchains in existence with less than 0.5 second block times.

These are the types of people that hate on eos. They have no actual facts to back them up and will lose all their money because they get all their opinions from news titles and youtubers.

Yes, the launch was postponed over two times and when it was launched, it launched without being tested over a testnet before. A thing that MUST be done being the cryptocurrency who raised the largest ICO to date.

Having raised more than 4 billion USD and not having tested on a testnet before launch, thus causing bugs and frozen chain for hours on launch, is extremely sad for a cryptocurrency this big.

Also, it's just plain funny how a currency that goes by the motto "Decentralize Everything" is so EXTREMELY CENTRALIZED that things are fixed over a conference call with a few other people. Sad. You're the one that is just plain shit selling a shitshow such as EOS.

'postponed over two times and when it was launched'
It's working now? You probably weren't around but people like you were saying the same thing for ethereum when it launched months late and had really buggy code on release.

'tested on a testnet '
Are you dumb? Dawn 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 were all testnets running software. Not to mention to code got audited by multiple companies before June 1st.

Dumbest shit I've ever heard. You have a brain - use it. 21 nodes is much more decentralized than every other coin in the top 10.

Everything you've said is either insignificant and won't effect eos in any way or is just plain wrong.

Compared to what? Bitcoin that can do 5 transactions / second and had $35 transaction fees when transaction volumes went up?

Or compared to Ethereum that is at transaction capacity and can't handle any real applications running on it unless you count CryptoKitties which brought the entire network to it's knees for a small little application?

Or maybe Ripple which........... well the newbs are still trying to figure out the difference between centralized and decentralized? Hmmmmmm

each of those transaction can be batched for 100k's like coinbase does etc and when lighting is fully operational will be exponentially higher

bitcoin fees are being improved on over time current transaction fee is 0.10c

the reason it takes so long is due to being the only truly decentralized crypto adjustments aren't easy to agree upon or implement

for example Segwit took nearly 3 years but improvements drastically improved effecincy reduced and helped tackle the recent DDOSing by means of dust transactions from thousands of btcoincash wallets

bitcoin isnt even at 1% of functionality with 3 significant technologies coming within the next 2 years will give a taste of bitcoins true power

Plus the LN has made huge leaps- many of the Lapps have shows that the LN can work as a microtransaction system.

Pssshhhh. You do realize I have been hearing about how great the lightning network is going to be since Early 2014!?!?!? It is like a broken record of people talking about how awesome the lightning network will be but it never fully shows up.

Bitcoin fees went down because the baby back n00bs got their sculls crushed in when the Mt. Gox trustee dumped on all of us. Now they are history so there isn't as much activity on the network.

This is going to be you when Lightning network is fully functional.

maybe you should learn how bitcoin and lighting work before displaying your lack of experience with illogical statements

Lighting is working since February still testing and growing.

Again Bitcoin is truly decentralized with the most complex cryptography it takes a very long time to design,test,implement and get consensus.

On the supposed Mt Gox dump is a common misconception and a logical fallacy.

Fallacy of the single cause

There are 100's of thousands of users and millions of factors leading to price change not any news not 1 whale or 100 whales can do much to the price would cost 100's of millions if not billions to move the price a few hundred dollars.

The leading causes for the bear market was over-inflated prices last year by 10's of thousands of inexperienced people investing in things they didn't understand believing what ever ICO altcoin had said in there whitepapers and what shills were saying about projects and that magically the prices would never stop rising.

I'm well aware of how Bitcoin and Lightning Network works or doesn't work.

As far as the price goes yeah things were over hyped but all it takes is one vicious death drop to shake everyone's confidence to a point where they aren't bringing more money in. So yes the Mt. Gox trustee causing the $5,900 low really busted people's teeth out.

In MMA all it takes is one blow and no matter how good things are going that could end the fight.

your comments have shown you dont have a clue how bitcoin or markets work

Nah, Actually I have been involved in this space since 2013 and have a computer information system degree and for many years traded stocks and options. I only trade crypto now. It sounds like you are a Bitcoin Maximalist and you are newer to the game and buy into the same narrative that has been repeated for 4 years. During the spike, Bitcoin didn't even work as well as it did in 2013. It was very sad to see and even more disturbing that all the n00bs didn't know any different.

i've been in bitcoin since 2011 not that time "in the space" matters take the amount of fake crypto experts on steem here since 2016 and still not a clue and from the inaccuracy of the information your spewing i wouldn't put much value on the quality of education wherever you paid for that degree.

on this your "an experienced trader" and bitcoin didn't do as well as in 2013 when nearly 100% of market price was faked by Mt Gox bots wash trading when in reality bitcoin is developing as it should with volatility decreasing year after year

or some kids need to stop crying