EOS potential arbitrage today.

in #eos8 years ago

So today EOS received 3992 ETH for 2,000,000 EOS. At 1:00 p.m. EDST EOS is quoted at .6279 in the aftermarket. ETH is $295.97. (all USD). The USD value for the tokens purchased is $1,181,512.24. That gives the purchasers in the ICO a price of .59079 USD per token, or just under a 6% price discount. This is significantly larger than yesterday. With commission charges at Kraken it seems to me these EOS tokens could be deposited there and flipped back into ETH for more ETH than was used for their purchase. Given the unregulated nature of ICO's, anyone could do this. It would be a means to accumulate a lot of ETH at no cost. Surely some hedge fund has figured this out if not the issuers themselves.


Nice catch. I noticed this pattern as well

The spread has tightened and a Base Building has begun in EOS price stability.........However there still will be volatile market days as the one hand that waves will indeed wave and flux within most if not all coins

Today the discount was only about 2.80%. Still not bad for the arbitragers or BlockOne people who might be playing this. There were a few small buys at the end of today's offering. Maybe some individuals are playing the ETH to EOS to ETH game and building their ETH positions.