
I am not unaware of these facts. Neither do I disagree with you that the mined stakes have been used to centralize control of Steemit.

Most ppl on Steemit don't know these things, and many of my posts are intended to broaden the understanding of this information across the user base of Steemit.

While I advocate the only means of decentralizing Steemit of which I am aware, ending the weighting of VP by SP, I don't expect Steemit to make this happen, precisely because that centralization is a feature I believe the devs wanted, rather than a flaw or bug.

A point I try to drive home is that Steemit is currently the sole platform in it's space, but that is very temporary. In fact I have direct knowledge of Calibrae, and am told of other forks of the platform that are being developed presently.

If Steemit doesn't fix these problems, then competition will.

Is that a Tardigrade (a water bear) in your avatar? Very cool if so!

Followed for more rabble rousing and criticism, which you seem to provide. Thanks for that!

In light of very recent responses here - I am rethinking reposting.

If Steemit truly is flawed at its core as suggested then the logical progression is to become the competition... Thats how I work (I'm used to providing suggestions - but only to those in whom I have confidence).

Do not worry though. I've already proceeded with the rewrite (its not quite quarter-done as I started earlier this evening and will likely take breaks to ensure a continuous stream here) - and would be happy to communicate with you directly. Look up my LI profile. My contact email is very easy to find. ^_^

Bonus: I've been thinking of alternative currency and political models before such was cool (1995).

I still have no idea about blockchain though - and it seems to be a technology that I'd want to incorporate.

Yes that was all a little random-sounding. :c)

I have failed to avail myself of an LI profile, so msg me in, and I can get your details there, if you are willing.

I like the idea of the blockchain, and a permanent record, but suspect that permanence is far less actual than assumed. I am eager to experience Data Flowers, and would love to see how their intersection with blockchain, crypto, and social media might potentiate a qualitative epiphany.

Eh I'm not on Steemit Chat. ^_^

Here's a shortcut. :c)

The write-up is not quite half-done - a lot of revisiting - and I am revisiting not only the concepts - but also am trying to gain a less rudimentary understanding of blockchain in general. That - and also revisiting pre-blockchain concepts.

I would caution against getting too excited at this pre-embryonic stage - I am notorious for not being able to leap over chasms. :c)


I'm glad you brought up the point that steemit is CURRENTLY the sole platform in it's space. I am the one working on what is not a fork as that would import balances and the problem would persist. What I will be releasing shortly will basically be a steem clone without the premine oligarchy. I was going to improve it more but I feel it's better to be more timely with the release and improve over time than try to perfect an inherently flawed system. Meanwhile, me and my good friend Loki will be working on Calibrae as well as other systems that will improve systems even further. My avatar is a lightning version of a fire breathing walrus but Tardigrades are cool too. I don't post on this chain anymore to not present an attack surface but if you want rabble rousing and criticism read my comments. Good to meet you and if you have any coding or other skills you might be someone we want on one of our many teams for the multiple projects we are creating.

I was unaware of your participation in Calibrae, and am glad of your acquaintance! I was able to contribute conceptually on the Calibrae forum, but something happened (spam attack I think, by @berniesanders), and now there is a password barrier that has prevented my further participation since.

As that was my only remaining interface with @l0k1, I seem to have dropped off that map, since he also no longer uses Steemit. Unfortunately, I never wrote code, except at the birth of HTML, so all I can contribute is conceptual. I am very interested in both the projects you mention here, so would love to be able to, however.

Well met!

Well, general rabble rousing is good, but criticism I seek to be applied to my maunderings, to set me on the straight and narrow path of truth. I'm interested in knowing more about the clone, and hope Calibrae is also still on track, as I have no other means of finding out now, except this conversation.

I haven't conceived of a lightning breathing walrus before. I am kinda surprised anyone did XD.

So, if it's possible, please msg me on, or PM me on one of the discords I lurk incessantly. I'd really like to be able to get back into the Calibrae forum that became password protected while I wasn't looking (had to move).