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RE: Proof of Good Governance

in #eos7 years ago

You do poetry too?

Nope! Not actually poetry in the technical sense of the word. Just random stream of consciousness, some of them were created for the sake of shit posting, just like what @haejin is doing.

I don't have an idea why @haejin classified those as poetry anyway. It was just the way how I put my thoughts into the written words.

I don't have a proper education pertaining to the subject to begin with.

I am wondering though what prompted @haejin to go full retard on his maniacal act of harvesting the reward pool as if tomorrow doesn't exist.

Perhaps he's merely disappointed with the world around us, like politics, etc? Are we missing something about his grand motivation?

At least lions in the wild forest hunt for food in order to survive from hunger, else they starve to death.

But alas, @haejin who is a fully rational human being, who is rich according to him, is acting more dangerously preparing for his foods for the next 1000 years.

Meanwhile most Steemians, myself included, couldn't even buy a cup of noodles with their whole week of reward payout.

When will @haejin ever learn to act responsibly like a lion in the wild? I really doubt he will. Humanity fails once again.