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RE: Proof of Good Governance

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

You are uninformed and blind to what's going on.
You fail to mention the following:

  1. How have these thugs been downvoting? With lies and fabricated evidences. Thug tactics.

  2. How does this fit into your input?

  3. How many of my posts have you followed? They are NOT one or two liners. You clearly don't understand Technical Analysis. Perhaps if you follow rather than base your comment on a cursory look, you can benefit too. The 5k to 10k views are not for usesless contents, as you indicate. Perhaps if you follow my example, you too can get 10k views in a few hours and increase your payouts to above $5 range. I've reviewed you blogs, and they need a lot of improvement and I'd be willing to help, if you'd like.

Technical analysis require timely updates. You can't bundle a whole bunch of analysis for multiple coins. This had been suggested to reduce my payouts but is based on ignorance.

  1. You fail to show the MASSIVE profits readers of my blogs have generated. This is because you have not read but judged my blogs to be unworthy. You also have not read the comments section. What do you find most? Thank you comments. Then requests for more free analysis of their coins. Then others showing how they profited from my analysis. Can unworthy content generate this?

If there are those who have profited MASSIVELY from my analysis and want to reward my blogs with UpVotes, I have zero issues!

No upvotes are under my control. All received upvotes are freely given.

What you don't like is the amount. So, why are the Thugs who take greater amounts than me attacking me? Why are YOU not commenting on how these Thugs are raping the reward pool? Are you even aware? Here is an example:

Google translate it.
Do you even realize how much rewards will be released once these thugs stop raping the reward pool?

Finally, I sense your comment is based on how you feel it is unacceptable for my blogs to earn so much while yours earn so little. All I can say is: EARN IT!!

I too shall UpVote your blogs once inprovements are seen. I mean this genuinely.

  1. You keep talking about downvoting as if you are being reduced to 0 payout. While that may have happened once or twice, it is not common. In fact, when you look at your claimed rewards from just the last three days you will see that you claimed 933.139 Steem and 1050.0994 SBD. In terms of market value, that is 8711.17 USD

$8711.17 USD in 3 days

That is after downvoting by a single whale (under multiple accounts) and a few minnows/planktons. Do you really expect us to feel sorry for you? Are you really making the case that your blogs are worth that much more? 3 days, @haejin.

  1. Funny you should bring that up. The actions by @grumpycat were inspired by you. It is a hyperbolic metaphor of what you and @ranchorelaxo are doing. It's more disgusting than you guys, but it is a copycat crime. You are a whale. You have the power to do something about it. What actions did you take to stop it?

  2. I understand your analysis to the extent that it benefits this platform. I had actually watched several of your videos and understand the content you are relating to your audience. I still don't think it deserves that much of the reward pool. That is my right as a steemian and the right of the whales as well. I have never downvoted your blog out of fear of reprisal (which you have proven that you carry out). Many other plankton and minnows are the same way. There are a lot of non-vocal critics of your take from the rewards pool.

3a. You've read my blog? I didn't know you were into poetry. Post some of that shit. Let's see if it doesn't shoot up to what $300, $400. I would bet my entire stake that it would. Are you some world renowned poet? No. Even if you were, I'd oppose such a payout. You didn't read my blog, man. GTFOH. Practice what you preach.

If there are those who have profited MASSIVELY from my analysis and want to reward my blogs with UpVotes, I have zero issues!

I know you don't. I do and much of the community does. It is not their money. It is the reward pool and the community is in charge of distributing that money. We have every right to correct what we don't agree with. In fact, I would say we have a responsibility. Now they can transfer funds to you on steemit. I'm fine with that. That money doesn't come from the reward pool.

No upvotes are under my control. All received upvotes are freely given.
NOTE: If this blog gets downvoted; @ranchorelaxo has our backs!!
^also @haejin

My blogs are doing just fine for me. I don't expect to get rich off of the reward pool. The market on steemit for poetry is not the same as the market for crypto discussion/analysis. My conclusions come from analyzing your posts against similar ones.

Sounds like @haejin cannot say a word against these arguments. The silence is deafening! I mean, how can he defend the un-defendable.

Your poetry, if you call it that, is both good and original. It's just that what's good isn't very original and what's original isn't very good.

My genuine review of your blogs.

Well, I'd like to say thank you for that! It was much appreciated even though I don't agree the way you are making money on here taking advantage of your ridiculously insane Steem Power.

Given that, it was such a great pleasure to have the most influential personality on Steem leaving a genuine review and following my blog posts.

It's funny to imagine that you may have thousands of loyal followers but you are following me now. Lol

My genuine review of your blogs.

LOL, I know this thread is old, but I wanted to point out the hypocrisy of calling me unoriginal while using an insult from Sherlock Holmes. Yeah, you're no Einstein.

Hey @introvertspeaks, you do poetry too? Man, looks like there are a lot more poets on here than I thought. I'll check out some of your stuff. I looked at your blog and didn't see any in there. Maybe it's buried. @haejin says it's in there, so he must be right (he is right 90% of the time afterall). I did see a meme that was ironically appropriate to this conversation.

"The Ocean Is So Deep but a Duck Doesn't Give a Shit"

So just as @haejin might not give a shit about your poetry, we don't give a shit about @haejin's analysis. [/sarcasm] While his products may well serve those who use them, I don't feel compelled to support payment of those services out of the rewards pool. I look at his rewards and I see no justification for the reward pool to pay for those services beyond the astronomical figures he is already making. You're right. The silence on those points is, in fact, deafening. I wish we could get him to acknowledge that so we could move on to solutions for this riff.

You do poetry too?

Nope! Not actually poetry in the technical sense of the word. Just random stream of consciousness, some of them were created for the sake of shit posting, just like what @haejin is doing.

I don't have an idea why @haejin classified those as poetry anyway. It was just the way how I put my thoughts into the written words.

I don't have a proper education pertaining to the subject to begin with.

I am wondering though what prompted @haejin to go full retard on his maniacal act of harvesting the reward pool as if tomorrow doesn't exist.

Perhaps he's merely disappointed with the world around us, like politics, etc? Are we missing something about his grand motivation?

At least lions in the wild forest hunt for food in order to survive from hunger, else they starve to death.

But alas, @haejin who is a fully rational human being, who is rich according to him, is acting more dangerously preparing for his foods for the next 1000 years.

Meanwhile most Steemians, myself included, couldn't even buy a cup of noodles with their whole week of reward payout.

When will @haejin ever learn to act responsibly like a lion in the wild? I really doubt he will. Humanity fails once again.

When 99,9% of crypto is booming, you don’t need any brains to make useless predictions that some crypto will grow. You are trying to benefit from the community, while you on your own are a stakeholder. If you had some brains, you would not damage your own stake. One of the main reasons I would not invest in Steem are morons like you.

You are uninformed. Your group I affectionately call the innocent and the idiots. Continue as you have been.

@haejin, I don't understand why I am getting downvoted repeatedly. The original post regarding the 481 accounts was not speculation, it was based on actual transactions pulled from the blockchain. Nothing in the post was fabricated. Could I have been more objective, certainly, and I edited my post to do so. Your posts are based off of real data, so I would think that you would appreciate my use of data as well.

Moving past that, I might even understand you downvoting that post because it could be interpreted as an attack, but downvoting a 70 cent photography post? Really? What does that accomplish?

In fact, I have been making some real profits in alts just by tossing coins. People who listen to these type of pseudoscience BS are mentally incapacitated to analyze real-world events by themselves. Pathetic mindless preys get exploited all the time.

Good luck out there.'s all based on math. Keep tossing your money at random coins, lemme know how it goes.

You give it a shot then, seeing as it takes no brains to make these "useless" of which just profited over 1000%. Your accounts will end and begin with zeros if you think you can just throw your money around in a mindless market. If you are as accurate as he is, I will follow you and share your posts every day. I look forward to your attempts.