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RE: EOS: It's a Correction...NOT a Disaster
What you're doing is hate spam which is very unbecoming of someone who claims to be a Father and a Grandfather. You clearly lack in wisdom and project your inner guilt onto others with foul language.
I've never hate spam'd and still don't. But, I do downvote.
I am not only father and grandfather I also adopt some minnows on Steemit and help them to make a tiny income, sometimes essential for their further life, development. 3$ a day can feed a family in ghana, 3$ a day for a young talented boy in aceh can change a lot. What do you do for the health of Steemit other than upvoting yourself and release spammy crypto bullshit like a TRX upcoming price explosion to 2.42$. Everyone in Cryptoland with a glimpse of knowledge can only laugh at such unserious analysis. As a father and grandfather I tell you to piss off from this platform - you do not belong here , you behave like a social psychopath and you partner up with an anti-Steemit, Anti-Larimer hatespeech pusher called Tone Vays. It is not meant as hate speech but a good advice from a father and grandfather.
yea... wtf @haejin :P
u r hypocrite
"Steemit is a scam!" -T.Vays-
"Everything what comes from Dan Larimer is a Ponzi scheme" -Tone Vays-
proof here.
@Haejin takes Tone Vays by her pussy and seeks the next safe space in kittyland promising political correctness. You are done here on this platform, but you made it quite far, fast and furious.

Very interesting video.
@haejin, back in the day we would say, "Kiss your mother with that mouth?". I think it is fitting for this situation...