EOS Analysis: Hunting for Round Bottoms!
Here is EOS with the first rounding bottom pattern complete and I've traced out a second half of the next rounding bottom pattern. These are consolidation patterns and also bottoming patterns. Often, the rounding bottom finishes with an impulse set of five waves and as always, this would be the first indication that trend is about to reverse.
Does this account for the fact that 500m more tokens are still to come into circulation before May 2018? This fact alone indicates to me that we should see EOS slide more since the supply is increasing.
If EOS was the only Alt coin in the red today, yes. The fact of the matter is that all Alts are in the red....Bitcoin non-phasic status. I did not see any nay sayers when EOS was just recently rising with all alts to around $0.74 or so.....
EOS, like any ALT, is swimming in the same cryptosphere the tides of which are moved by Bitcoin.
nice answer!
Not for too long !
Also feels good seeing my name on your upvote chart
Haejin the Korean crypto oracle!!!
Thanks haejin. You made my day sir.
Bitfinex will release Bitcoin Gold.
Hi Haejin - are you still putting up videos if you're no longer using YouTube? Can't find you on D-Tube.
Do you have any long-term thoughts for EOS? Thank you for sharing your thoughts and work
BCH bottom reached @309 USD (Bitfinex)?
Let’s hope so. I have high expectations for EOS the trouble is there is limited room to grow with a current market cap of approx $500m and no product! I can’t see it being one of those 3000% gainers!
I love EOS thanks for the chart!!!!

Hunting for round bottoms lol check Instagram lol
Hi Haejin,
What do you think of BQX now that our debates and the analysis it's all turned up side down with this now low, lower than what you have labeled as the the bottom (c) ?
Beautiful! Just added another lil position to my bag :)