EOS Tribe Block Producer Candidacy AnnouncementsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #eos6 years ago (edited)
Empowering the systems and people that are actively working for a more decentralized world.

EOS Tribe is a distinguished block producer candidate focused on blockchain infrastructure and software. Headquartered in Wyoming with satellite offices in Dallas, TX and Salt Lake City, UT, our mission is to provide global, enterprise-class infrastructure for the EOS network, which is set to launch June 2nd, 2018.

The Tribe was founded on a common goal of being purposeful with the time we have on this Earth. We believe deeply in the power of decentralized systems and their potential to create positive social and economic change.

We are an EOS block producer candidate who wants to empower mission minded dApps and projects in the ecosystem who work toward that common goal.

Our Team

Eugene Luzgin

Founder & Chief of Technology

Founder of The Tribe and the technical mind behind our BP operations, Eugene has been active in different areas of cryptography, software engineering, and cybersecurity for over 20 years for government, fortune 500 and startup brands. His contributions to the EOS network are numerous, including founding and organizing EOS SLC, the SES Network EOS Wallet project as well as the EOS Arrowhead and EOS Net Testnet. Eugene has been active in the community internationally since the very beginning, and he looks forward to working with the platform and community for many years to come. Eugene seeks to use his talents for the benefit of the EOS network and to build distributed systems that create a fair, equitable future for all.

Personal Pledge: If elected, he will get an EOS Chestahedron tattoo on his shoulder.

Steve Floyd

Founder & Chief of Strategy

A lifelong learner of computer science and design theory, Steve has been working in different facets of the web for over 15 years, primarily in User Experience Design and Content Strategy. Steve brings a broad range of entrepreneurial experience to The Tribe and helps the organization think practically about operational and marketing decisions. Steve has also contributed significant time to building the EOS ecosystem through community projects, such as his work with the EOS Rise events, leading the user experience architecture for the Chintai token leasing platform, personally designing free creative commons t-shirt designs for over 40 EOS cities (for main net launch), his collaboration and support for EOS Tutorials, as well as founding and organizing EOS Dallas. His primary mission is to put his time into things that help EOS see mainstream adoption in the shortest window of time possible.

Personal Pledge: He will contribute 10 hours a month to EOS based open source projects. Sorry, no tattoos. 

Our Vision

To leverage, build and promote distributed systems that secure life, liberty, and property for all.

Our Mission

  1. To engage, foster and help grow any organization that seeks to use the EOS platform.
  2. To improve the quality and stability of the EOS network.
  3. To improve public perceptions and accelerate adoption of the EOS platform.
  4. To educate and elevate the EOS dApp & BP ecosystems.

Our Core Values

1. People Are The Purpose

We believe that everything we do for EOS is to enrich the lives of people across the globe. People are the reason we do what we do and we try to never lose sight of that.

2. Purpose Over Duty

We will never waiver from our duty of keeping the EOS network stable and secure because of our commitment to the people on the network we serve. We believe doing the right thing while abiding by the rules outlined in the EOS constitution is always our true north in every decision we make. At the same time, we do not operate as a heartless machine, as those are the very types of organizational structures and processes we are trying to free ourselves (and others) from. 

3. Trust Over Control

Block producer trust is paramount for a governed blockchain to function. We embrace the wisdom of the crowd, always leading from behind, humble stewards who only give direction if and when we can truly add value.

4. Transparency Over Position

Our loyalty is always to the EOS token holders and network, not our positions/affiliations. Transparency around our associations and financial interests is more than just a line item in our core values, it's the center of our entire brand promise and communications strategy. If elected we will provide a public wallet address for anyone to audit (and have suggested publicly that other BPs do the same).

5. Integrity Over Pride

Integrity is our lighthouse and the only metric that matters in the outcome of decisions we make. The root of many indiscretions among the human race is often rooted in pride. Greed and many selfish acts are simply projections of self-pride and preservation. Staying rooted and down to earth is very important to The Tribe culture. Integrity in our work, our dealings with others and especially any and all affairs relating to the EOS network are among our highest ideals. 

Our Goals & Objectives

  1. To get elected and maintain a BP master node on the EOS network.
  2. To reinvest in better infrastructure and marketing to facilitate network growth and further drive adoption.
  3. To provide research, presentations, tutorials, blogs, documentation and community projects that help promote & educate others about the EOS platform.
  4. To foster initiatives that provide transparency for the general public about BP operations.
  5. To support and mentor well-executed programs and/or projects that help us achieve goals 1-4.

Our Governance

Our internal governance emulates the native North American tribes - part of the inspiration for our name - who for centuries, through a distributed power structure, evaded those that sought to rule over them. We have an egalitarian partnership without hierarchy where each partner contributes their unique talents, focusing on what they do best.

Our Constitution

After careful consideration, we have chosen to adopt a personal constitution in line with the proposed EOS draft constitution brought forth by EOS 42 recently. We stand behind all the principles in this draft with only one exception - the frequency of security audits. We have opted for quarterly security audits rather than six per month that was proposed as we believe that to be sufficient. As with all things EOS, are always open for more debate on this subject if others do not agree. We have created our own version of this draft constitution you can download here.

Our Financials

We have chosen to be lean by design and have taken on no VC or silent partners to start our business. Everything we have put into the principal investment is out of our own pockets. We believe being truly decentralized, with decades of experience in running and growing businesses, while also being very efficient and nimble in our operations is one of our biggest value adds to the ecosystem. We got no strings.

Our appropriation of income will depend greatly on the inflation that is paid out from the network, hurdles with liquidating those assets as the operational cost is needed and many other factors that are simply beyond our control.

Rather than break down a superfluous chart of hard numbers when so much is subject to change, we can provide a big picture, general percentage of how our constituents should expect us to appropriate funds:

  • 40% Administrative, Payroll & Operations
  • 35% Taxes & Legal Fees
  • 15% EOS dApp & community projects
  • 10% Incidentals & Savings

Our Technical Specifications & Equipment

EOS Tribe is working in April / May 2018 on laying down the necessary infrastructure for running fault tolerant block producer operations. As some of the most important criteria for a truly decentralized network, we have chosen implicitly to not rely on third-party cloud services and instead choose to run on quality hardware we control and configure in secure hosting locations.

Primary Node

For a primary block producing node, we selected Wyoming state for its favorable state laws. We are currently considering multiple colocation services providers in the state of Wyoming who are independently owned and who also utilize either some or almost all green energy to operate.

The primary node configuration will include a Gigabit-capable security router that will distribute requests to the primary producer node (Intel Xeon 3120A server specs below) and will fall back to our backup server running a full node.

Both servers will be using a file server with additional 80TB storage. Servers will be connected to each other and the file server will be on a gigabit network switch with a lightning fast 10GB fiber internal connection.

In addition, the incoming Internet to the router will be a 1Gb low latency connection.

We are running Ubuntu 17.10 on both servers with hardware specs below:

  1. Cisco CISCO891-K9 891 Gigabit Ethernet Security Router
  2. Intel Xeon Phi 3120A Heptapentaconta-core (57 Core) 1.10 GHz Coprocessor
  3. Intel Xeon Phi 3120A Heptapentaconta-core (57 Core) 1.10 GHz Coprocessor
  4. RAM 448 GB equally divided between servers. (Upgrades to RAM in primary) 

Secondary Node

We want to be sure to account for total power loss at primary location due to natural disasters or any unforseen reason. Hence we are establishing a second backup full node in a secure location in Bluffdale, Utah. This infrastructure is currently live as we write this and has already proven itself running nodes on multiple testnets (EOSNet, Arrowhead, Jungle).

This location runs Ubuntu v16.04 on Enterprise Dell PowerEdge R710 2.93GHz 8-Core Server | 64GB RAM | 9TB of internal storage. We are planning on upgrading the RAM shortly after launch to match the primary backup node RAM size and adding a file server with at least an additional 40 TB of storage as well. 

We will be launching with our own custom-built server "Geronimo" which we have already acquired, is already built and are currently preparing for deployment during late April / early May.

(for a full list of hardware specifications we will be launching with click the big green button below)

Overall Infrastructure and Cloud Load Balancing

We have selected to run application load balancing between two location as a microservice in a hybrid mix of distributed AWS, Digital Ocean & Linode Cloud infrastructure - and from multiple personal and business accounts for fault tolerance and independence of both locations. 

This will be the only way we utilize any centralized cloud infrastructure in our stack, and even then we are taking precautions to have nodes readily available that can be spun up from multiple services and different accounts in the event one is shut down.

In the unlikely event of power loss at any one location - AWS / Digital Ocean / Linode cloud application load balancer will be able to detect a primary node down situation and trigger block production for another backup node in our alternative Utah location.

Additionally, we may be renting alternative backup server nodes from other BPs in other geographical locations for fall back scenario and have already started the negotiating process with leading BPs in various strategic geographic locations in the EU and South America.

Gia EOS Satellite Node

EOS Tribe is actively working on the process and funding needed to deploy a smallsat or miniaturized satellite to run a full EOS node 24/7/365 anywhere in the world. Although deploying a satellite may seem like an impossibility, this has already been done by Adam Back and the Blockstream team for Bitcoin, and we believe EOS can and should have the same availability that Bitcoin does.

The space node project we are calling "Gia" will not be a producing node but will be a full backup node.

It will have two main functions:

  1. Synchronize with the main chain via Uplink connection
  2. Broadcast EOS Blockchain information over radio signal back to Earth

It is estimated a typical CubeSat launch is as low as $40,000, with frequent flight opportunities via Dragon, Cygnus, HTV, ATV, Progress and Soyuz opening up every day. 

This is something we consider a long-term project that will depend greatly on availability and resources. Tying it to our roadmap will be difficult, but it's something we see as a critical infrastructure project for the EOS network.

If you are interested in taking part in this initiative please contact Eugene Luzgin via Telegram or email us at info [at] eostribe.io.

Our Roadmap

Q2 2018

  • Finalize capital contributions and make BP announcement
  • Relaunch & consolidate EOS Net & Arrowhead Testnets
  • Choose vendor & set up the "Geronimo" node in Wyoming colocation
  • Identify 3rd party security audit vendor & terms
  • Set up & upgrade supporting node configuration in Utah (already running)
  • Establish regular marketing operations & supporting team (content, social, community, etc...)
  • Continue working on existing community projects (Chintai, EOS Tutorials, Arrowhead Testnet, SES Network, etc...)

Q3 2018

  • Issue our first BP progress report
  • Assess overall performance and where we need to scale up & reinvest in hardware
  • Implement 3rd party security audit processes & reporting structure
  • Establish key supporting staff/team members to further scale operations (marketing & IT)
  • Begin reviewing potential dApp investment opportunities from the community and develop a submission and voting process for internal decision making on exactly what we choose to invest in
  • Begin setting up backup nodes in EU & South America in the event US BP operations are shut down
  • Continue working on existing community projects we have committed time to (Chintai, EOS Tutorials, Arrowhead Testnet, SES Network, etc...)

Q4 2018

  • Second BP progress report
  • Begin preparation for significant scaling of all server operations
  • Start the process of recruiting & hiring additional IT talent
  • Review, improve and refine marketing operations (content, social, community, etc...)
  • Launch backup nodes in EU & South America
  • Select a winner from our pool of potential community dApps
  • Continue working on existing community projects we have committed time to (Chintai, EOS Tutorials, Arrowhead Testnet, SES Network, etc...)

Q1 2019

  • 3rd BP progress report
  • Establish timelines & deliverables for community dApp winner and begin production
  • Continue focusing on scaling, securing and staffing server operations above and beyond network requirements
  • Launch our quarterly EOS event series
  • The unveiling of our progress with the "Gia" space node project
  • Continue working on existing community projects we have committed time to (Chintai, EOS Tutorials, Arrowhead Testnet, SES Network, etc...)

Our Projects

Community projects are a big part of our value add to the EOS ecosystem. We are currently active in two of the EOS Essentials project repositories and have plans to fund and build out more key infrastructure projects in the future. 

The current community projects we are actively working on:

SES Network

A project headed up by The Tribe founder, Eugene Luzgin, SES Network is like "Last Pass" for the blockchain. The project seeks to solve the lost password problem keeping many people from using blockchain-based applications.  


A project headed up by EOS 42 and other enthusiasts from the community, the Chintai token leasing platform is a critical project for EOS the EOS ecosystem. It provides a way for token holders to delegate their tokens so dApps can have the bandwidth they need to operate and scale. 

Arrowhead Testnet

A global research project started by our founder Eugene Luzgin, Arrowhead is our Testnet that recently migrated to the latest version of EOS (Dawn 3.0). If you would like to set up a node you should reach out on Telegram here.

EOS Tutorials

A community project headed up by James V. of EOS Austin and supported by EOS Detroit, EOS SLC, EOS Dallas and EOS Sweden, EOS tutorials aims to be one of the premier destinations for EOS tutorials. 

EOS Main Net T-Shirts

We thought it would be cool to provide some t-shirt designs for the main net launch, so we provided the EOS community free custom designs of over 40 of the top cities across the world.

Our Promise

Our goal is to always be accessible and accountable. If elected as a block producer for the EOS network, we will provide the following information to our constituents:

  1. Progress Reports (community projects, roadmap, etc...)
  2. Public Wallet Address 
  3. General Financial Statement & Budget Breakdown

Our Gratitude

EOS Tribe would not exist without many people who have helped us along our journey. We are not perfect, we have stumbled along the way and offer our sincere gratitude to those in the community who were patient with us and gave us a hand up. 

Love and respect to each and every single one of you (in no particular order)...

  • @dan - Super duty props go out to Dan for creating EOS.
  • @xebb - We have to thank Eric of EOS Sweden or being an awesome human being and one of the most technically proficient in the entire EOS ecosystem. Your tireless dedication to helping others in the community is noticed and genuinely appreciated.
  • @robrigo - By far one of the most chill, kind and helpful humans in the EOS ecosystem. We owe you beer. Thank you for all that you do Rob!
  • @nsjames - Another one of the nicest, smartest heads you will ever meet. Your hard work and contributions to EOS are significant, The Tribe appreciates what you do. Thank you.
  • @cryptolions - The work Bohdan and the Crypto Lions team has put in on their Jungle testnet is unrivaled. We wouldn't be able to do what we do without you guys. Thank you.
  • Gee Sivalingam (EOS SF) - Since we met, Gee has been kind, collaborative and has gone out of his way to open doors at every turn. Another kindred spirit we've met through EOS who we owe thanks and gratitude. Super duty props homie, nothing but love.
  • @eosnewyork - Kevin Rose of EOS New York is a beast when it comes to community presence and depth of knowledge about the most current inner workings of EOS. Your contributions and commitment to the community are recognized and appreciated. 
  • @unlockrs - Rick has also been a driving force in the community and helpful at every turn. Thank you for leading the charge for those of us in the states, you guys work ethic is an inspiration to all of us. 
  • @eos42 - The guys over at EOS 42 (David & Charles) have been a pleasure to collaborate with on the Chintai project. They have helped set the standard for which all BPs on the network operate and created an atmosphere of transparency and collaboration. Thank you for your continued service to the EOS community.
  • Thomas Cox - We can't thank Thomas enough for laying the foundations for such a ground-breaking technology. He has been generous with his time across the board, thanks for all that you do man. 
  • Celu Ramasamy - Another awesome human being who we met at EOS Rise West we think everyone in the community should pay more attention to and collaborate with. Celu is a brilliant mind with a passion for community that we endorse. Thanks for all that you do Celu!
  • @eosdenver - We can't thank Brandon Hughes enough for all his contributions to The Tribe and the EOS community. Expect his group to become one of the most vibrant EOS communities in the US in the near future. Thanks for all your hard work homie, will you be our Ambassador? ;)
  • @officialfuzzy - You can't say EOS without mentioning all the community and promotional groundwork Fuzzy and team has put in. From his early podcasts dating back to the very beginnings of Bitshares, Steemit and now EOS, he's seen it all. Your selfless work to drive awareness for these platforms is appreciated Fuzzy. Keep doing what you do. 
  • @eosgo - Kev & BlueJays have single handily created a full-time media operation for EOS. Their work to drive awareness, improve transparency and highlight the most important things going on the ecosystem are a huge service to all of us. Thanks for your hard work guys, it is appreciated.
  • @eosnation - Without question one of the best communities and sources for EOS related information in the entire ecosystem. All of your hard work and dedication to spreading the good word about EOS cannot be overstated.  Thanks guys, we appreciate everything you do.
  • GBK - The amazing artist behind all the EOS based 3D art you might have seen in the EOS Design telegram channel and other groups. Everyone needs to send this dude some EOS for the amazing work he does, his art raises interest/perceptions of EOS and we all benefit. Thank you for all you do man, we appreciate it.


To help build a world-class network fit for the largest websites, apps, and enterprises on the planet, we need a world-class team. 

We are actively seeking the following roles to help us grow the EOS Tribe brand:

  • P/T Social Media Coordinator
  • P/T English Editor / Writer (Knowledgable about EOS)
  • Contract Korean Translator & Community Lead
  • Contract Chinese Translator & Community Lead
  • Contract Spanish Translator & Community Lead

If you are interested in one of these opportunities, please send your information to info[at]eostribe.io and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience. 

Connect With Us


I am very excited to see how this roadmap will effect the daily price and my holdings. Im going to buy more !!!! I love graffine tech.. so fast already instant global money transfers.

Very nice post guys! Looking forward to working together as we move forward! :D

Late to the party, as usual... Your initiative looks very promising. I would be delighted to help in the Spanish side. I will go and vote for you right now.

Congrats @eostribe !

Looking forward to working with you to launch the network!

This is really well thought out and very exciting.
You had me at paragraph 2... "The Tribe was founded on a common goal of being purposeful with the time we have on this Earth. We believe deeply in the power of decentralized systems and their potential to create positive social and economic change."

The vision, mission, and core values are so spot on with the future, I want to be a part of. I am really excited for you guys. I expect great things for and from you guys. Thanks, EOS Tribe!

EOS is the best ...👍👍👍👏👏👏
I am @benhornest your support EOS🙌🙌🙌

Late to the party, as usual... Your initiative looks very promising. I would be delighted to help in the Spanish side. I will go and vote for you right now.