eosmeso - Community benefit project outline

in #eos6 years ago

This is a series of articles about eosmeso Block Producer Candidate. In this article we describe the community benefit project outline

At eosmeso, we understand the compounding positive effects for the entire EOS network of using a proportion of BP rewards to directly fund projects in our community. We have chosen several established institutions, whose work can be amplified by a continuous stream of funding and whose contact with eos in this way should lead to more and more people knowing about the virtues of our system and adopting the use of it.

1% of our revenues will go to ceiba.io to continue providing free of charge content and meetups to educate the public about blockchain tech and gather the brightest in the field of innovation and showcase their work to the community. Should BP rewards be ample, a 21 person committee will decide what developer bounties are most needed locally to have members of the community work on.

Workspace 2_036.png

Each of the following institutions will receive 0.3705% of our block rewards, to continue their work. As partners in our BP, they will receive support from the team to adopt the emerging tools that come from EOS to empower them to better achieve their already admirable results.

  • Plantemos 1000 arboles will be a able to plant more trees and develop tools for certification of the plantings, the hours spent by volunteers doing so and the management of funds received to do so.


  • Programa Valentina is accelerating the employment of youth in the technological field, more funding for them means more scholarships for disadvantaged youth.


  • Asociación de Amigos del Lago de Atitlán, will use the funding to continue the planning of the Lake Atitlán Rescue Unit, a water utility, wastewater management and energy generating infrastructure to rescue from pollution the most important freshwater source in the region.


We will continue to identify high impact and proven organizations to share our rewards with, and retain the right to discontinue the allocation of BP rewards to any of the above mentioned institutions in the case that the quality of their deliveries does not satisfy our expectation.

To learn more about us, visit our website at: https://eosmeso.io or contact us in any of our social network channels: