EOS Telegram Summary 5/1/18 - London Abridged

The EOS general Telegram channel has picked up as of late - almost back to the volume of January when hype was it its peak. The quality of discussion is different nowadays - while the occasional moon question slips through, a higher percentage of comments are about potential EOS use cases and applications.
Scott shared an article:
An early announcement about the EOS meetup event in London:
Later, as the event began in London:
User Dwidh posted the live video feed of the meetup:
Many EOS general chat members were unhappy with this article:
Rumors and photos from the London meetup:
EOS Canada introduced an instructional video:
Thor shared an old pic:
Over in EOSIO Gov, a talk about DACs and a particular BP candidate trying to be the first on EOS:
Later, a conversation about all block producers being well funded to achieve EOS network resiliency:
Dan stopped by to share an issue with EOSIO Gov:
Over in EOS Developers chat, Dan explained voting:
In response to the negative article that concerned EOS general chat:
Dan and Satoshi:
Market forces guiding the launch:
Dan offered a route around a ruling:
Over in BlockPros, a discussion about the new EOS subreddit AMA series for block producer candidates:
And finally, in the EOSIO BIOS Boot channel, an improved blockchain launch tool:
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EOS Go is the first source for EOS.
Software company block.one is creating EOS.IO and releasing it as open source code; thousands of individuals will need to come together to bring this new "internet of value" to life. EOS Go is uniting the community for a stronger EOS.
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Link to the Vid
best source for eos news & rumors.
thanks :)
You're welcome - glad we can help. Telegram is a happening place these days, almost 50k users in the general chat alone. Go EOS!