EOS Guide: Keep your EOS account SAFE using Multisig Structure
Please read this first: Advanced EOS Multisignature Tutorial to understand EOS Multisignature
Recommend: Using Scatter Desktop, not Scatter extension on Chrome
Look at my testing account first:
What is the problem here?
If I lose my Active Key, I can use my Owner Key to change it.
- If someone steals my Owner Key, that bad guy can take over my account. I will lose it forever.
To avoid that, we should apply Multisig Structure on our EOS accounts.
1. Set up multisig permissions on your account:
your EOS account with yourOwner Key
on bloks.io => Wallet => Permissions Manager
I focus on
first. You can use this guide for your Active later. Let's change it.
What changes on the above picture:
* Owner is the first layer, so let its Parent blank
1)Threshold: 2 (always >= 2)
2)Keys: delete all keys (because a key without the highest threshold cannot make a msig transaction)
* We should use accounts, please prepare the number of accounts > Threshold. In this guide, I prepare 3 accounts. The reason is that if you lose 1 account, you still have 2 left to make a msig transaction
3)Accounts: add 3 accounts 13jjjjjjjjjj@active
, iloveueosdac@active
, and 1rtkjeosdac1@active
with threshold 1
for each
Save Permission
When completed, check out your account permissions
2. Create a msig transaction (change permissions, tranfer tokens, stake, unstake, delegate, undelegate, buy/sell RAM, etc.):
In this guide, I am gonna transfer tokens
Pick up 1 of 3 accounts to
(I choose13jjjjjjjjjj@active
) and turn onMultisig Mode
Go to Wallet => Transfer Tokens
Transfer 0.01 EOS to iloveueosdac
Then, you will turn to Propose Multisig Transaction
Put on the transaction information
* Proposal name: put on anything you want, but it is not longer than 12 characters
* Requested Approvals: my Owner Threshold is 2, so just pick up 2 of 3 accounts
* Authorization: put on your Sender account. Here is account4test
and owner
(I put on owner
because all of my Requested Approvals are on Owner Permissions)
* Data: from: change 13jjjjjjjjjj
to account4test
(tranfer tokens from account4test
, not 13jjjjjjjjjj
When completed, click on
Turn off
Multisig Mode
Use the first approval account
and clickApprove Transaction
the second approval accountiloveueosdac
and clickApprove Transaction
Now you have 2 approvals, then click
Execute Transaction
Congratulations! Your msig transaction is done!
When completed, click F5 and you will see
Check out the transaction on
That's all. Hope that helps you :)

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wow...... i have been looking for this.
I thought chrome extensions for Scatter are no longer safe
The side article is just used for clearly explaining the Multisig Structure.
Scatter Desktop is recommended.
ok, thanks
Small addition: 2)Keys: delete all keys (because a key without the highest threshold cannot make a msig transaction)