Is EOS a Pedocoin and Is Alan Greenspan Satoshi? Bix vs. Berwick
Jeff Berwick argues some points about EOS with Bix Weir, topics include: is EOS centralized? issues around Brock Pierce and accusations of 'pedophilia', the 4 billion dollar EOS ICO, token inflation, the EOS voting structure, Brock Pierce and Tether, Bitfinex and rehypothecation, STEEM transactions, ease of adoption in EOS, Ethereum and Crypto Kitties, Peter Thiel invests in EOS, EOS mutability, who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Alan Greenspan's and the evolution of computer trading, the need for sound money, Litecoin and the lightning network, the TDV Investment Summit and Anarchapulco 2019
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Good Debate on EOS Gentleman
Surprise that it wasn't meant that if you Google 'eos goddess' you find a greek god who was a pedophil.
The Greenspan theory is highly likely, IMO, especially from the Gnostic perspective (no, the earth isn't flat)...This also goes to who had the means and motivation (motive) to create Bitcoin and again, from the Gnostic perspective, Greenspan is the perfect fit.
It's probably a good time to mention this: authentic Gnostics are in no way anti-semitic and this is important because there are those saying very similar things to what I say who are extraordinarily anti-semitic. If Gnosticism is true, and I believe it is, then the most deceived group of people on the planet are those that bought into western theism. But one could only get to the truth of that statement via the proper use of logic and reason--the primary way humanity can ascertain truth (if it's inherently irrational and illogical it's a deception) and Judaism is one of the most irrational and illogical religions on earth (ask Sam Harris about that). The kicker though is that the demiurge is thrilled with the idea that God doesn't exist as it suits its agenda of creating a massive false dichotomy: materialism versus its false and deceptive literalist religions.
This was actually a pretty good interview by 2 ppl I dislike equally! Good show Bix and Jeff
Jeff, Bitfinex allows their eos token holders to choose who they are voting for. They just make it anonymous, so whales who WANT to hide their votes are encouraged to vote through bitfinex.
Very interesting debate. I really think eos will be second in market cap by nest year.
Great post Buddy....
i am new in steemit Please Follow me and Support Me in the recent post
You’re always awesome Jeff Berwick!
Thank you and I appreciate your contribution in our steemit community:)
Posted using Partiko iOS
EOS has 0.5 sek blocktime.
At 36.50 bix said "planet earth". Earth is flat and he dont know it... time to get new friends Jeff :)
I do agree with Jeff that EOS is the best blockchain of today and so many things are going to happen soon on EOS.
Kidnapping a child is against the non aggression principal, which you are doing, consequently conflicting with that you call yourself an anarchocapitalist.
There's no possible way Alan Greenspan is Satoshi (although I highly respect his economic mindset, I doubt that he would have the 'technical' ability to pull such a feat :-)
In spite of all the evidence presented to the contrary, you make a sweeping assertion to the contrary...
There are many possible reasons Satoshi was Greenspan.