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RE: Jeff Berwick interviews EOS Block Producer, Marshall Long of

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

The consensus on Steemit is to choose the option of "Decline Payment" (instead of 'power up' or '50/50') if you are posting work that is not your own. The problem lies in getting paid for someone else's work. It is considered a form of plagiarism here so things are much different than they are on Facebook where you can share whatever you want because you don't get paid.

I'm just explaining and not attacking ... I came here because I wanted to see if you were unjustly flagged so that I could possibly counter it for you.)


I disagree that there is a consensus for this. At least I'm not a part of this consensus.

The consensus on Steemit is to choose the option of "Decline Payment" (instead of 'power up' or '50/50') if you are posting work that is not your own.

I think it's clear enough this post is not plagiarism. Plagiarism is claiming someone else's work as your own, or sometimes implying it. This post links to a YouTube video and makes it clear which parties are involved. In the context of the web, there is plenty of cultural precedence making this kind of linked or embedded content ok for noncommercial or commercial use. The web would be a very different, and very crappy place without it being acceptable to do so.

The problem lies in getting paid for someone else's work. It is considered plagiarism here

I thought that all the original people on Steemit were in agreement on this along with the developers of the site, but I just did some research and saw you making the same points 2 years ago. So indeed you are right that there is not a consensus, or that at least you have never been part of that consensus.

I joined 4 month after Steemit started and it has been the impression that I have picked up all throughout my time here. I can admit that I seem to have been wrong.

At any rate, people should understand that if they copy/paste and don't add much of their own original thoughts to a post that they are a high target for being flagged. I myself have never flagged these types of posts if they are not passing them off as their own, but I had always understood that it was a legitimate and expected use of the flag. (Thus my explanation to the author of this post.)

(p.s. I did change the wording of my comment to 'a form of' plagiarism. I do not know the right word for profiting off of someone's work but at the same time crediting them as the original creator. However I see in your old comments from 2 years ago that you consider it as profiting from finding and SHARING -- a different way to look at it that I had not considered.)

My opinions about that are still about the same. Although it seems like a longshot, I still believe Steem would find strength in offering a product similar to Reddit in addition to what it already offers.

I'd like to see what post or comment you're referring to by the way, always fun to read old stuff like that.

Money is clearly the root of all evil. Makes people very insecure. Not sure how to 'decline payment' but whatever. Find it very interesting how there are so many here that wish to silence. It's fascinating way to learn about human nature; I find it especially fascinating that there seems to be an inverse relationship between those who shout loudest about how anarchist and libertarian they are and how much they actually aren't. They always resort most to aggressive silencing. Anyway, I'm happy for anyone to post Keiser Reports here; go ahead share away. The more eyes that see the content the better. I won't come here to share anymore and send users to my page instead. Thanks for your info though! Over and out. Stacy

You haven't been silenced in any way, in fact I found this post without any trouble just now. So what is the problem? Those who hold a stake in Steem blockchain use the upvotes and downvotes to direct the money flow, as johal stated, he had already upvoted this video when it was uploaded by another account and decided that it's not worth rewarding the same content twice. Is this censorship? No, it's reasonable and logical action to take as a shareholder.

You're not censored in anyway, my comment here is a proof of that. I hope emotions are put aside and bigger picture is taken into consideration as well. I know it can be hard at first but downvotes are part of this system just as upvotes are and both are important in policing this ecosystem.

In Reddit, mods can shadowban you, delete your posts and so on. That's censorship and there's a difference. I would have thought someone who's been so long in the cryptoworld would know that difference by now.

I guess "Money is clearly the root of all evil. Makes people very insecure." is the most important part in your own message.

Hope to see you come back to your senses eventually after the shock of receiving downvotes shakes off. I know how it feels.

How does it feel? Another one leaving, that potentially will take again users away from this platform...

Maybe the Mantra is wrong... lol...

There are people who understand how the system works and then there's those who don't, can't please them all as with everything in the world. So as an answer to your question: I feel neutral about it. Steem isn't perfect, I've yet to see such a thing on the internet but we're getting closer. I'm sure the parties involved in this case all learned something new, like downvotes aren't censorship and perhaps downvoting a post to 0.00 is a bit excessive when the big picture is taken into consideration but we're all humans and we learn as we go.

I'm really sorry to hear that. Honestly, I LOVE your show. I have upvoted you several times.
Steemit has been this way day from day one. These are the rules. It is not censorship. Steemit is about original content and can not be compared to sites where people do not earn funds, and therefore have no concerns over getting paid for somone else's work.

All the best to you, Stacey and Max.
Steemit has so many totally awesome and selfless people here -- it isn't all about money.

Yeah, I'm more interested in somewhere I can share stuff I like with people who choose to follow me. Money makes some people very eager and they can't see past that and I understand many must eek out a living; I hadn't thought of that. It's okay, I've got tens of thousands of followers on Twitter and have started for a similar experience where one also earns crypto but in a more organic Facebook sort of manner. Anyway, follow me there. I won't be coming back here - Thanks again, Stacy

That's some pretty thin skin you got there. There's lots of interested and interesting people on Steem, get a grip and keep posting.

Ohh boy, do you feel it?

There are lots of interested and interesting people... ehhh who's left?

LOL!!! There goes another one...

keiserreport, Why quit? you can make your own front end that always shows your posts. Steem is immutable. No other crypto is like steem sir. I encourage you to go find another system that compares because it doesn't exist. You can decline payouts by visiting "settings" and selecting "Decline payout". is a comparison of the blockchains by the way.

@KeiserReport you have been invited to post at 3Speak! We support great content creators through Steem or creators who have been deplatformed / demonetised. Please click this link & log in with your Steem account to get to your page.

We got #newsteem now.
And #steemleo. is live, too.

I'd like to see more Keiser Report content on Steem. Bring it on :)


By the way here is my address instead:

Thx, good decision.

@keiserreport please don't leave...we love your content..

You are too late, talk to the shareholders, they have spoken.

Ehhh shareholder of what? Their wallet?

There is no such consensus. I see plagiarised shit get to trending and nothing happens. Not a single downvote. I almost never see 'declined payment' on content that is being shared. Another thing, the 'declined payment' option is now in settings and not available on creation of posts; not everyone is aware of that.

There requires some effort to find good content that's why we have curation rewards. Also, this post was not self-voted. Considering all this, do you think this attack is justified in anyway. We should be trying to build this platform not destroy it.

wishfull thinking, that was never the plan to build this platform...