Commentaries to DAO IPCI draft Whitepaper 5.0 (WP): I

in #environmental7 years ago

The first thing, which differentiates DAO IPCI from other solutions, is that it is not an environmental program per se. DAO IPCI does not impose or prescribe any specific choices, decisions, options to the participants, users. Mitigation Token is not obligatory to be used as a currency in DAO IPCI. Any independent operator of an independent program can issue alternative currency, payment token arbitrarily. It is up to them, to the people themselves to make a choice whether they prefer to reduce specific negative impact by cutting specific emissions or effluents, or developing green energy or green financing programs. DAO IPCI is a public blockchain digital environment to meet and mitigate any negative externalities or social costs, a complex of smart contracts establishing universal and standard requirements: the activities, project results, mitigation, green energy, green financing instruments should be specific, quantifiable, auditable, verified, registered and issued by independent entities on public blockchain, transparent, exclude possibility for double-spending, irrevocably retired against compliance requirements or pledges.

DAO IPCI minimum viable set of intrinsic smart-contracts has been tested and working since 2016; it is open-sourced and may be reviewed and developed by the Ethereum community — largest blockchain developers community — or anyone.

There is a very wide variety of mitigation programs and environmental market instruments in the world, dozens of programs and compliance units for climate change mitigation only. Some of them offer instruments that do not actually represent reductions of GHG emissions but rather the emissions allegedly avoided according to hypothetical “baseline scenarios”. However, they may bring so-called co-benefits: provide for relatively green development, social benefits etc. It is up to the individual himself to decide what he values more and most.

DAO IPCCI fundamental rationales lay in the market economics rather than in environmental propositions. DAO IPCI WP Introduction describes the underlying economic rationales.

The question is not whether technology is mature, scalability, interoperability or energy efficiency issues are resolvable but whether major environmental market players, mandatory or voluntary environmental, green energy programs of different scale are ready for decentralization of authority, for transparency and a completely new economic paradigm. Would they be ready to make their business patterns public and share the authority they enjoy? Or would they still confine to disguising the old ways with sexy innovation wording like “blockchain” hoping to sustain public trust deserve it or not? Whether they do or do not nothing prevents self-sufficient independent programs and individuals from launching sovereign representations in DAO IPCI to adhere to the right to make one’s own choice and contribute to the new public blockchain market pattern.