Why You Should Take a Risk When You Are Young and Not Being Afraid to Fail - By The Vegan Entrepreneur

in #entrepreneur8 years ago (edited)

Being young is the best time to fail.
So try your best and take shots.


Work for free when you think it might help you long term.
Do stuff you don't like to pay your bills short term.

Don't be afraid to end up without anything, going back to your parents and start over. Learn to enjoy to process. When you fail it only means you are on step closer to success.

Don't be afraid to ask.
In today's world you can add random people who inspire you as your FB friends. You can observe their interests and find similarities than build a great connection. I've already helped over 30 people inside of my FB group with free coaching.

Because it's the right thing and hopefully a few of them will get back at me when the time right. But if not, I still evolved and learned a lot from their problems.

Ask and get active in these FB groups. Find the ones you connect with.
This is networking on steroids. It's like going to a conference without paying for gas, tickets or expensive food. Your voice will be heard and you have time to think about what you want to talk about or how you want to answer.

It's all about giving value.
Never hold back. J
Just give everything you've got! Don't hold back!
The only difference between your paid and your free service is that the quality of contact goes up as the price goes up. Meaning:
That for free, you talk whenever you feel like it in a group and share your best info.
On YouTube you allow people to send in questions so you can help them in an even more personal level (see Gary v for example).
And as your level of intimacy goes up, so does your pricing.
And you only increase your pricing if enough people are asking.
If you can't sell your coaching for 25$/hour right now, it means nobody gives a fuck and you have to give more value first.

These groups are amazing opportunities and are all part of your sales funnel. They are here to collect potential leads and eventually, in time, let them go to your sales funnel.

When that happens, they want to pay. You don't even have to ask.

Stop consuming stuff. Only invest in the things that help you grow.

If you make a little bit of money, start charging yourself a little TAX.. pay 10% or more from your income and invest it into the stock market or now maybe even better, crypto currencies?

Compound interest will make you rich! Getting a high 6 figure income without changing your habits will only make you own more stuff and you will always stay poor relative to what you could have achieved.

Educate yourself on how to make money work for you:
Read Rich Dad Poor Dad.

It's a game. Life is a game. And you have to Study the game before you try to play it.

Many people have gone before you, written about it and all the knowledge is available for free.
Find those people who you look up to and invest in their courses. Why?
Because you trust them, they will provide you with the right information, saving you a ton of time.

And TIME is the only thing in the world you can't scale.
You can't make more hours, you can't make more time.

Good morning everyone!
Have an amazing week



Love it! I'm 21 and the part that still makes me nervous is not being "ahead" enough already. I feel like I should have something solid with my business already. But you know what, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Love the process and i'll continue on. Thank you for your post!

You are 21 :-)... You will probably change of idea's more often and that's fine. We live in such a fast world today that it's almost impossible to stick to the same thing for the rest of your life. You never know enough. The more you know, the less you feel like you know because you feel like there is so much more.

in poker we always say "It takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master"... That's the same for growing up really.

I don't feel different today than I did when I was 18 but I'm sure I changed a lot. Experience is what matters. Falling down and failing is the best experience at all.

Keep me updated :)

Thank you for you kind words! Much appreciated :)

I completely agree whit you thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

Totally agree with the advice, but I'm gonna do everything in my power to not live with my parents again LOL

Thanks :-) Good luck. I hope my blog might help you over time.

I hope it will too! Feel free to check mine out as well.

I like the advice and the premise, although being a decade older than your target group, I can say that 'taking risks and failing your way forward is the best secret to stay young'. People become old when they have nothing to explore...when life is just filled with drudgery of beaten path. So yes, failing young is great but failing forward will ensure that you will never get old, not psychologically anyway.

hey buddy! great content! It was a great idea to follow you! Followed, upvoted - you truly deserve it!

If you have some spare time, check out my profile, too!
fetmom - real estate investor and donator :)

This is great advice but it does not apply to the young only. Do take risk but do your homework first so that you are taking calculated risk.