Barbarella 2019 opener_répéter, s'il vous plaît
...Cosy warm sweaters and fury boots are the accessories of our fashionista, the Barbarella poppet at the front gate of a brand new gorgeous and prosperous year. Happy 2019, merry fellas. Grab a cheering drink and join @ravijojla de-co-hosted in the intention to Make the first FUN right before your very eyes.

Snow fall
Twirling and flamboyant December carnival noises are slating down snowy slopes to set firmly into the past of all amazing years now, sent with a glam by our fear @dreemsteem singing Christmas carols in her intention to spread sheets of love wide and over. A touch of elegance in closing the door behind the good time shared throughout the year is what Barbarella hosts are particularly good at My name is Ravijojla....geeeeezzz, it's not...anyway. And I'm here to get more of the EVERYTHING that we experienced in 2018 and get the best threads into a golden knot into the new year. Following a firmly established tradition audience is kindly invited to share thoughts, memories, hopes and expectations, even be bold and share some plans from January, the 1st on. Planners, getting personal systems in order, recycle Christmas cards with the Teens in Nevada to help their business skills training, our community projects follow-up, 365 Words of the Day by @bluefinstudios, FAMILY being the word of 2018, new entries in the platform entertainment... and how we banned Baklava in 2019 and survived the Holidays. Grab a cheering drink and push the play button.

More of that snow
Smart guys recently joined the team of wagoneers speaking about their new Chit-Chat show dipped in a Irish?-coffee pool and talking funny about the business staff. Hear more on that amazing idea from @priyanarc and @blindspot live on the show today. Check @priyanarc and @blind-spot doing amazing jon out in the chill atthe P&B Chit-Chat Show, Wednesdays via your app plug, check out which one in the second quarter of Barbarella on January, the 4th early UTC morning show.
Most intriguing developments in the court of our favourite kiddies and grown-up children project, the Spunkee Monkee served personally by the idea holder Mrs. @dreemsteem. This talented lady is capable of turning your Universe upside-down, redecorate common spelling, so everything sounds more EE-like and sit laughing and enjoying the results of her efforts from aside. In case you're not a kid, get yourself one, consider making one...and jump into the adventurous experience mixed by Dreemeewizard herself. Have a look at the training programme Spunkee Monkee. Have a marvelously Happy Monkee Year and pin your cool main goal in 2019!
What happens once you find yourselves stuck on a terminal? Unlike Tom Hanks lost character in the late 90's movie, you'll get a most polite reception by the wonderful and vigorous Ren aka @xcountytravelers. Learn more about all the support on platform hacks, application hints, polishing overall presentation and improving content skills. #TheSteemTerminal is a server on Discord that will redirect, inform, forward, entertain, jump and hug you and set you good to go on the platform. A precious support, especially if you are new here!

Stay Barbarella tuned and enjoy the splendid marvels 2019 has for you!!!

The Blond presence Opener of 2019 on January, the 4th is commonly known as a Barbarella refreshment. Enjoy listening to how we went into the good healthy intentions we usually have at the beginning of every year and once more we Made the Fun!
On a very important note...
@c0ff33a / @derangedvisions - @enginewitty
@surpassinggoogle / @steemgigs - @yehey
@curie / @good-karma, @therealwolf - @thekitchenfairy
@jatinhota, @guiltyparties, @noblewitness, @crowdwitness and
Thank you very much!