RIP Mini-Me

in #entertainment6 years ago

Vern Troyer is gone today.  The guy who played Mini-Me died of tragic death partially resulted in dealing with alcoholism.  Alcoholism is a fatal disease that results in death in many people souls.  It affects me personally because I have a formal diagnosis for it.

I do not know what triggered his drinking but probably the depression and anxiety of being "different". Not being the size of everybody else took its toll on him and somebody never learn to properly cope with that depression without resorting to the bottle.  It takes years and years of self-talk and inner work to get the point where you can swear of the bottle.  Finding an alternative coping mechanism to channel the depression through for some person is very hard.  For me, I channel energy into animals primarily the two dogs that I see.  The natural empathy and care for animal drains a person away for the depression that results from drinking.

I do not know that much about his personal life, but I sympathize with his passing because that it could have been me.  I could have sink to my grave by drinking.  The only answer that I know is surrendering myself to the program of NA/AA and not drinking for today.   Maybe. Troyer had a hard time with very aspects of the program or lacked a strong support network that some people have.  But it is sad thing to see one of us going.