10 documentaries on Youtube that will blow your mind (and kill some time!)

Hi everyone, this is my first post on Steemit and I'd just like to say how surprised I am at the vibrant, close-knit community that has formed around Steemit - right on!

As an avid fan of documentaries I've attempted to put together a list (in no particular order) of some of the most mind-blowing, eye-opening documentaries that I've come across in my years browsing the intertubes. From ancient Egyptian engineering, to the Big Bang, to counterfeit goods, one of these documentaries is bound to get your brain humming. These are all documentaries that I've watched before, and can vouch for their quality and entertainment value, so what are you waiting for? Get watching!

The Mystery of Petra - The Lost City

Thought to be built over 1,500 years ago, Petra has been the subject of heated debate among historians since it was brought to Western attention by famed explorer John Lewis Burckhardt in 1812. This documentary blows the lid off of many of the myths about Petra - its construction, its function in ancient society, as well as its eventual downfall. Truly an awe-inspiring watch.

Entropy - Order and Disorder

If history isn't your thing, maybe something more science-y might hit the spot. Entropy - Order and Disorder explores the many ways in which entropy shapes the universe around us - from the formation of galaxies to the reason why the weatherman can never seem to get the forecast right. Watch it now, just do it, please.

Behind Britain's Black Market

What I thought was really interesting about this particular documentary was the fact that most of those featured really don't look like what you'd think. They're normal, functioning members of society who derive their income from less-than-savory means. Nothing to hardcore here, but a very interesting look behind the curtain of black markets that often go overlooked, such as illegal tobacco sales, ticket touting and counterfeit clothing

The Stoned Ages

One of my favourite documentaries ever, exploring the effects of psychotropic drugs on human society throughout History. Presented by Dean Norris (DEA agent Hank Schrader in Breaking Bad), this documentary couldn't be presented by a more (ironically) suitable candidate and is the perfect mix between formal academic exploration and jovial romp through the more salacious parts of history that they don't teach in schools

Trillion Dollar Fakes - Chinese Counterfeiting

This documentary really opened my eyes to the dark side of counterfeit products. Think buying that fake Nike tee on Aliexpress was a victimless crime? Think again. An extraordinary look at the appalling human rights violations that make the counterfeiting industry one of the biggest and most profitable rackets of our era.

Unit 731 - The Japanese Invasion of China

Not for the faint of heart, this doc takes a look at the very worst that humanity has to offer. During the second Sino-Japanese war (Jul 7 1937 - Sep 9 1945) Japanese scientists began performing twisted experiments on human subjects with total impunity. Although the depravity of these acts are well-documented, many of the perpetrators still perceive them as necessary evils, some even claim they would do the same again if given a chance. Either way, if you're looking for a gripping historical watch then this might just be your best bet.

PBS - The Nuclear Option

Of particular relevance given the current political climate, this PBS documentary explores the use of nuclear weapons in warfare - their capabilities, pitfalls and the effects that a widespread nuclear war may have on earth. An excellent yet anxiety-inducing watch for any geopolitics geeks out there (obligatory "dozens of us") .

PBS - Big Data Revolution

Apologies for the second PBS production on the list, but I simply can't resist their rigorous fact-checking and excellent production value. Many of you Steemit users are probably already familiar with the general concept of big data, this documentary takes a deeper look into the ways big data influences our lives and will continue to change the techno-social
landscape going into the future.

The Story of the Buddha

A bit on the lengthy side with just under two hours runtime, but an enlightening watch nonetheless (heh). The Story of the Buddha relives the life of Siddhārtha Gautama on his journey from noble prince to revered spiritual icon. Who was he?
What were his teachings? This excellent historical documentary with the occasional chunk of Buddhist wisdom to tantalize your spiritual tastebuds.


I should have posted this to the cannabis tag - stoners can't resist a good documentary.