The nostalgic goggles : Super Marioland

in #entertainment7 years ago


Nintendo`s Flagship Character

The first time I saw a Gameboy were at friends and as everyone who had a Gameboy they had Super Mario Land.

I could play for like 10 minutes before he wanted to play again.

But those 10 minutes were the start of my gaming career.

I saved all the money I got for birthday and christmas till I could buy my own Gameboy and Super Mario Land.

The graphics were rather simple


But nevertheless this game was incredible fun.

It consists of 12 levels and I remember lvl 6 you were in a submarin and lvl 12 you were flying.

The story is not really worth talking about. You save a princess...that is it!

The endboss was a random cat and not Bowser and the princess is Daisy and not Princess Peach.


By far this is not my favorite Mario but this game took my "Marioginity" and started a live long hobby.

Mario was afaik the first gaming personality who got turned into a movie. The movie is one awful piece of shit but still...the crossover was made.

A now rather silly tv show was made as well and as you probably know a ton of games till this day.

Some are among the best games made for the console they got released including spin offs like Mario Kart.

steem dream.gif


Windy confession. I never played the original, never had the chance.

I’m not allowed to buy anything new for s whiled. Via the boss of the house 😂😂

Ach das hab ich durchgezockt als Kind!!!
Und die nervige Muke dazu!
Die musste immer ganz laut an sein!
Schönen Sonntag dir

haha ja geil. gibt auf youtube ein video vom rekord. glaub der zockt es in unter 3min durch! 😂

ok sorry waren doch unter 5min.

das ist die NES version, da kann man sich warpen. NO DEAL!

aber impressiv still

ah ok, wieder was gelernt. trotzdem krank, er freut sich ja auch wie ein kleines Kind.

echt? aber mit glitch dann oder?

Ne oder??? Das ganze Spiel???? Alle Level??? Verarsch mich net!!!

hab 1 Jahr gebraucht bis ich es das erste mal durch hatte aber irgendwann hatte ich es auch geschafft

Ja, 3 min niemals...;-) ich brauchte auch so knapp n Jahr. Bisl weniger schon. Sonic war auch geil! Oder Zelda!

schau´s dir an oben...Freak!!

Supermario :) how can i forget. I played pacman too.

was a fun game as well

While Mario Land 1 is not the best Mario in the series it is Enjoyable in it's own Right.

Many people Prefer some of the Older Titles like Mario 1 and Mario 3.
and newer titles like Mario 64, and Mario Galaxy.

Even on the same system like Mario land 2 and Wario Land. However Mario land 1 has it's Charm, and with how it's made it feels like that this title was especially made to be beaten in one sitting.

I really liked Mario 3 but I think my favorite is the first one for SNES

Mario Game is a great game In which children enjoy the play.

some adults as well

Ich habe das hier gespielt - mussten die Entwickler vom Markt nehmen, weil es wohl zu nah an Mario dran war... ;-)
Absolutes Kult Game auf dem "Brotkasten"! ;-)

das sieht dem ganzem aber auch wirklich serh ähnlich

irgendwie schon... :-)

Mario game was truly love :D

My friend‘s son was wearing Mario-colored clothes today. Was thinking about Mario a lot today, actually I’m living in MarioLand too ;)

Nice coincidence 🎌🗼

The spark you are carrying out is amazing sir.

i really enjoyed it...